P5/6 – Biography Writing

Literacy: Writing
Biography Writing

Last week Primary 5/6 learned all about biographies and what type of information they included. They then participated in a class discussion to set themselves a success criteria for writing a biography. Following this they created questions for Mr Houston that would provide them with the information required to achieve each aspect of their success criteria.

We then invited Mr Houston along this week to be interviewed by the class. Throughout the interview process we regularly referred back to each aspect of the success criteria to ensure that we were gathering the appropriate information. The pupils took notes as and when their questions were being answered.

Finally, the pupils used these notes to write their own biography all about the life of Mr Houston. Not only did they find out lots of interesting information about Mr Houston but they also produced some excellent pieces of work. 

Have a read at this week’s STAR WRITERS work!

P5/6 – Mobile Library

Literacy: Reading Schools

As part of our work towards becoming a Reading School, Mrs Sweeney arranged for the East Ayrshire mobile library to visit our school. The mobile library will be visiting regularly, providing all pupils from the ECC through to P7 the opportunity to access a wider range of books. Any books borrowed from the mobile library must be kept in school as these are borrowed on a school library card (as per the librarians requests). Today was our first visit and the excitement was real! Nearly all pupils in Primary 5/6 selected a new book to read during our ERIC (everybody reading in class) time which was lovely and calm just before lunch.

P5/6 – Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy

During digital literacy this week, Primary 5/6 have learned how to delete unwanted e-mails (clearing their outlook inbox), forward an e-mail to another person so that they can share information, carry out an online search for an image then save it to a specific location on their laptop.
They also had some more practice at accessing MS Teams, where they were able to locate links which took them to some revision tasks for numeracy.