Hit the Button app

This term P6/7 will be focusing on Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. It is vital they know their timestables.

A great app to do this with it the ‘Hit the  Button’ app. In this app the pupils can practice all four operations ( add, subtract, divide and multiply) The app can be downloaded in the app stores. It can be used on tablets, laptops or mobile phones.

KNEX Challenge

Today Aiden and Devlin (P6) attended the next heat of the inter schools KNEX challenge. Unfortunately they did not make it into the final stages but they represented the school brilliantly. They competed against 18 other schools in the authority and positioned in the Top 10.

Well done Aiden and Devlin 🙂



LEAD Programme

Today the Primary 7/6s took part in their first LEAD session with Mark and Gus from Active Schools. The aim of these sessions are to:

  • increase physical activity in the school
  • learn to lead playground games
  • learn to lead games safely
  • help and support after school clubs

The pupils will gain confidence in talking in front of others and listening to instructions. Below are some photos from the first session.

Term 3 Homework

Due to rehearsals for our upcoming ‘Alice in Wonderland’ homework will be given out on a Wednesday this term. Homework will be expected to be handed in the following Wednesday. Pupils are NOT expected to do homework at the weekends.

As a school we are trying to promote Digital Learning. The pupils in P7/6 receive their homework schedule via their Glow school email accounts. This also owes to Mount Carmel being an Eco-school. Pupils can complete their homework using Office 365 or can complete homework in their jotters.

Pupils can still receive a hard copy of the homework if they prefer.

Thank you

Miss Mudge 🙂

Term 3 Overview

What a quick year it’s been already!

Below is an overview of what this term will look like in P7/6:


We will continue to work on spelling rules and up levelling grammar and punctuation – catered to our own abilities.

Listening and Talking

Our focus this term is debating. We will be using current issues to debate.


The pupils will continue to revise Active Comprehension strategies through Bug Club and Literacy Circles using Alice in Wonderland as stimulus. Our main focus this term is Inference; making inferences, creating inferential questions and answering inferential questions using evidence from the text.


Our focus this term is Persuasive Writing. We will be looking at the features of Persuasive writing; powerful verbs, emotive language, rhetorical questioning and the structure of a persuasive piece of writing

Numeracy –

In Numeracy the groups will be covering:

Fractions, Decimals, Percentages;




Problem Solving;

Daily Number Talks/Mental Maths

RME/Health and Wellbeing

Primary 6 and 7 will look at ‘God’s Loving Plan’. An information leaflet will be sent home in the coming weeks. For further information please contact the school. In addition the Primary 6’s will be starting to work towards their Pope Francis Faith Award by reflecting on the following gifts: Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding.


On a Thursday Mr Manson from Active Schools will be supporting the pupils with Leadership skills and qualities during PE sessions. This will run until mid June.


Our topic this term is Scottish Politics, taking a closer look into the workings of the Scottish Political system in Scotland. The pupils will be given the opportunity to become different parties and make up their own manifestos and goals and persuade peers to vote for them in a mock class election.

I would like to say a big Thank you to the boys and girls of P7/6 who have welcomed me into the school.

Miss Mudge 🙂

Term 1: October – December


Having completed the class book study, we are now going to be applying the skills we developed in the beginning of the year to new texts in our reading groups. We will have a few books between now and the Christmas holidays, which will be different depending on what group we are in. We chose our own literacy-based group names, they are: The Global Lions, The Chamber of Secrets, The Very Good Summariser, The Wolves and Welcome to Nowhere. Bug Club online is up and running with the class as well, so please ask us at home about our books.

In our Writing we are looking at creating Reports currently, and will be investigating other non-fiction styles of writing in the future. We are constantly applying our paragraphing skills, as well as basic punctuation and spelling rules. As well as this, we are once again investigating phonics in the upper school, allowing us to choose spelling words that are appropriate to our level of learning. Some children in the class use IDL to help with their spelling as well, and we encourage the children to use this resource at home.



As a class we are currently studying Time. So far we have looked at 12- and 24- hour time, durations in hours and minutes and how our day is structured. We are currently investigating timetables and will be learning about international time differences.

Our Maths groups are working on various areas of Decimals, Multiplication, Subtraction and Place Value. Make sure you ask your child what they’re working on. We also have started using Heinemann Active Maths, which we log onto alongside Bug Club, another resource we use in school and at home.

Social Sciences

We are beginning our new topic on Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Wildfires this term. We will be investigating how these extreme weathers affect the planet Earth and the life on it. We already have a huge list of things we’d like to know about these destructive forces, so keep checking in with your children at home to see which questions have been answered!

Health and Wellbeing

We are learning about Positive Relationships in Health this term, how the way we act and behave can influence and change the relationships we have with people. In PE we have just started studying football, and check Mr Bertoncini’s blog to keep up to date with our work in Gymnastics.

Religious Education

As our journey towards the Pope Francis Faith Award continues we will be looking at Fortitude and Understanding, the gifts required to stand up for what we believe in and for knowing the reasons behind why things are the way they are. As the term closes out, we will also be learning more about the importance of Christmas in the Catholic Church.

Thanks for reading our blog, make sure to check back regularly as we update you throughout the year!

Parents’ Night

Our class are trying something new this term, and we need your help. Before you come along to the school this Tuesday or Wednesday, could you please download an app called HP Reveal (it’s free to download, but will require your device to access the internet when you’re in the school)?

Once you have downloaded the app, follow Mount Carmel HP, and you will hopefully be able to scan some of our displays to see what your children have been working on.

This is the first time we have tried something like this here in Mount Carmel, so we would really appreciate your feedback (and your understanding if it doesn’t quite work)!

Image result for hp reveal

Respect and Bullying

This week we have been discussing bullying in class and at assembly. We talked about the different ways bullying is shown, and some of the reasons why people bully. Both physical and emotional abuse have been brought up by P6/7, as well as the fact that hurt people hurt people: it is often the case that someone who has been bullied (or is being bullied) will take out their frustrations on others.

Alongside our Pope Francis Faith Award we have looked at how bullying is a clear lack of respect for another person. We hope to look more into this important issue in the near future, and the ways in which we as a class can help to deal with bullying in any form.

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