Tag Archives: Termly Targets

Primary 7 Termly Targets – Term 2

This term promises to be a busy term for Primary 7. The class will continue to complete their Leadership work alongside Columba 1400 and develop the school garden as we move into spring.


Initially we will focus on Scots poetry, with a particular focus on planning and hosting a Burns Breakfast. The children will learn a number of Scots poems, including Tam O’shanter which they will perform as part of the Scots Poetry Competition.


We are continuing to read Wonder by RJ Palacio. Using the 6 reading strategies allows the children to dig deeper and show their understanding. The main theme of Wonder is kindness and friendship.

Later in the term the children will be reading The Eleventh Orphan by the Scottish author Joan Lingard.

Media Study

As part of our work on literacy the children will interpret the film Zootropolis, by looking at character, camera angles, colour, setting, sound and themes .

Zootropolis looks at different areas of discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes. The children will analyse the different themes and discuss how the roles of different characters move the story forward.  The children will write a critical analysis to demonstrate their understanding.


Discursive Writing

Information Texts – Leaflets etc


Data handling – The children will learn to interpret data using the terms mean, mode, median and range. We will also look at the reliability of graphs.

Algebra – Children will build on their understanding and be able to simplify algebraic equations.

Fractions, Percentages and Decimals – Use understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages to solve a number of word problems.


Health and Wellbeing

Using the language of The Emotion Works, the children will be able to interpret different emotions and expand their vocabulary, allowing them to be more explicit when describing how they feel. The children will also look at how different influences can impact on their emotions.


Initially, as part of our Scottish Fortnight we will be researching the life and work of Robert Burns.

We will then be learning more about the Scottish Parliament, the children will discuss the difference between a democracy and dictatorship and learn about the different roles with the Scottish Parliament. As part of this topic the class will be split into 4 political parties, creating their own manifestos and policies. The topic will conclude with a mock election.

The children will continue their work with Miss Barrett on Rights, Respecting Schools, this will compliment our work on the Scottish Parliament.

Primary 7 – Term 1 Targets

It has been lovely to welcome my class back to Primary 7, and everyone seems excited to begin what is shaping up to be a very busy year!

Literacy – Reading

This term the children will continue to develop their reading skills, focusing on our six reading strategies. The children will be encouraged to work independently, sharing their learning with their partner on completion of their tasks. This will help to develop a deeper understanding of the text.


In term one we will focus on functional writing, in the form of letters, explanation texts and persuasive writing. We will be paying particularly close attention to our tools for writing, improving punctuation and using more complex sentence structures.

This term we will also focus on handwriting, paying close attention to the formation of letters.

Personal Talk

This term I will be asking the children to prepare a speech on an influential scientist. I will send home more information closer to the time.


Initially, we will be revising Place Value, and the 4 operations, developing mental strategies to help solve a variety of problems. Before moving onto Data Handling. The children will use a mixture of digital, concrete and written methods during numeracy lessons to reinforce their learning.


Our main topic this session will be the Human Body, focussing on the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems. This is a science based topic their will be a mixture of written work and fun experiments.

We will also continue our work on John Muir, working towards the Explorer Award. Our hope is to re-establish the school Eco Garden. This is a large undertaking as initially we have to clear and prepare the ground before any planting can begin.

Health and Wellbeing

Alongside our work on the human body the children will be looking at how we can prevent causing harm to our bodies, ie through substance misuse and leading a healthy lifestyle.

As part of our work on emotional health, we will be focusing on self esteem and image, paying particular attention to the effects of social media and peer pressure.

Primary 6 Term 3

Primary 6 are already off to a flying start and have been incredibly busy working on many different aspects of the curriculum.


This term we will finish ready Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and will begin Dragon Fire by Anne Forbes. We will continue to embed our reading strategies with a particular focus on main idea and summary.

For writing we will look at the functional genres persuasive writing and explanation reports. The children will be encouraged to pay particular attention to the their tools for writing, focusing on punctuation.


So far this term we have  covered Money, more specifically hire purchase and budgeting, Angles and Area of triangles and rectangles. For the rest of the term we will look at number, including fractions, decimals and percentages.

Mrs Fullard who will be working with the children on Thursday and Fridays will cover symmetry and tessellation as well as problem solving strategies.

Health and Wellbeing

This term we will cover Relationships, sexual Health and Parenthood. The focus in Primary 6 will be to cover aspects of puberty. You can find more information on this by accessing the parent information booklets within the Useful Documents section on the Blog.

We will also continue to focus on our emotional and  mental health and strategies exploring ways to help support ourselves and others.


The children are thoroughly enjoying their work towards the John Muir Award and this will continue until the end of term. There are many aspects to this work including enjoying our natural surroundings, learning more about the science behind nature and sharing our learning with the wider community.

P3b Termly Targets

Dear Parents/Carers, please open the link to see Primary 3b learning targets for this term. As the class are hard working and industrious, our work programme is well underway and the children delight me everyday with their enthusiasm for teaching and learning. Please keep looking at the blog as I will share the lovely learning ongoing. With kindest regards, Miss Barrett.

P3b Class Targets Aug – December 2020

Primary 6 Term 1 Targets

Numeracy and Maths

This term the focus our numeracy focus will be on place value of numbers to a million and addition and subtraction. Developing a deeper understanding  of;

Place Value

  • The place of a number determines its value, ie units, tens, hundreds etc
  • Introduction of the decimal point, tenths, hundredths and thousandths
  • Zero is a place holder
  • Rounding
  • Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100

Online games to reinforce place value – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/place-value

Addition and Subtraction

  • How to add and subtract numbers greater than 4 digits using a variety of strategies, including partitioning (breaking a number into value groups), using a number line and formal column sums
  • Rounding to estimate an answer

The children will also develop their problem solving skills by completing tasks which reinforce the general class learning on place value.



This term the children will read two novels as a whole class group, Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Margorian and  The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. We will continue to use our six reading strategies – Prediction, Metalinguistics, visualisation, Inference, Main Idea and Summary to help demonstrate a deeper understanding of the story. 

Media Block

After reading our WW2 themed novels, we will be watching the film adaptations. During this period we will look at how the film maker uses different aspect of film, such as camera angles, lighting, music etc to convey understanding to the viewer. A letter will be sent home prior to this.


The focus for writing will be narrative, looking closely at developing a setting and characterisation. The children will be encouraged to use figures of speech such as simile, metaphor, personification and hyperbole.

We will also be writing newspaper reports and biographies as part of our World War 2 topic.

Listening and Talking

In November the class will be asked to prepare a speech on an influential character from World War 2, this could be a member of their family.

Health and Wellbeing

This term we will be discussing mental health. Using the Pixar film Inside Out the children will examine the different emotions that we all feel, both during this uncertain time of Covid and as we grow older.

In PE the focus will be on Netball and games.


This term our topic is on the subject of World War 2. We will look at war on the home front, the Blitz, evacuation, rationing etc. After the October holidays we will look at war in Germany, with a focus on the Holocaust. 

Primary 6 Term 2 Targets

Numeracy and Maths

This term the focus our numeracy focus will be on fractions, decimals and percentages and we will focus on –

  • simplify and find equivalent fractions by multiplying and dividing , stating the fraction in its simplest form.
  • convert simple fractions into decimal fractions
  • understanding the of the relationship between tenths and hundreds in common fractions and decimal fractions
  • understanding the relationship between hundredths and percentages


  • Describe why a budget is important
  • Solve money problems showing an understanding of place value
  • Understand hire purchase
  • understand the difference between credit and debit cards


  • classify different types of angles, including reflex
  • use protractors to measure angles
  • Naming angles using 3 letters
  • understand 3 figure bearings


The children will also continue to reinforce their learning from term one, completing numeracy challenges within the classroom.



This term their will be a focus on non-fiction looking at online reports on climate change. The children will use their reading strategies to help them fully understand the content as well as being able to identify whether the report is reliable.

We will also have a poetry focus this term, where the children will be given the opportunity to analyse a well known poem and then write a piece of critical analysis.


The focus for writing will be persuasive and discursive.

Listening and Talking

The children have all been asked to learn To a Mouse by Robert Burns which they will recite in class on the 27th of January.

As part of our IDL topic on climate change the children will be taught the skills of debating. They will then be given the opportunity to participate in a class debate.


Our class topic will be Climate Change. This topic will cover a number of areas including – 

  • Ways in which human activities contribute to climate change
  • Impact of climate change on the developing world
  • Renewable/non-renewable energy

Mrs Fullard will also focus on the Victorians on a Thursday afternoon.

Health and Wellbeing

This term we will be looking at the effects of smoking and alcohol on the human body. I am also hoping to have a block of cooking skills.

In PE the focus will be on badminton and the children will also be working with Gordon Allan, Active Schools on Leadership skills.