Category Archives: Primary 7 20/21

Mrs Fullard’s Family Learning – Friday 5th February

Follow the links on the word document attached to this assignment to choose one family learning challenges.
Click here for the work document – Week 4 Family Activities
Your choices this week are:
Challenge 1 – Mental Health and Wellbeing Week – We are all stars!
Challenge 2 – Winter Walk challenges
Challenge 3 – STEM – making slime (adult supervision only!)
Challenge 4 – Drawing and reading Odd Dog Out with Steve Biddulph (or Robot drawing)
The links for the resources are in the forms below:
Art Links
Slime Links
Most importantly, have fun with your family challenges! I look forward to seeing what you get up to.

Mrs Fullard’s Family Learning Challenges – Friday 29th January

Choose one family challenge activities to complete with your family.

Please send me a photo, tell you what you did or take a video to show what you have done for your chosen task.

The idea is that these activities you can complete as a family with all those participating contributing at their level.

This week choose one of the following:
  • Family History Scavenger Hunt
  • Outdoor Learning – Tiny Treasure Hunt
  • STEM Task – Make a basket out of a paper plate
  • Task 4 – Scottish Art

Most importantly, choose a task that you will enjoy! I look forward to you sharing your learning. 

Mrs Fullard’s Friday Family Learning Tasks 15/1/21

Have a look at the links below to find out what you need to do for your Family Learning Challenge. You have a choice of activities.

Follow the link to hear me explaining the tasks to you.

To view the tasks in a word document, Click the link below.

Please attach any completed assignment and e-mail me at

I am looking forward to seeing what you do for the task you choose. Have fun!!

P7 Rosemary Thompson Speeches

Over the past month, Primary 7 have been preparing for their Rosemary Thompson speeches. The children were asked to prepare and then deliver a 4-6 minute speech on a topic of their choice in front of a panel of judges (Mrs Wilson and Mrs Nouillan). This speech was also live streamed to the Primary 6 class through Teams.

All children did an incredible job and we are very proud of all of them. Well done P7!!

P7 – John Muir Award

This week P7 took a trip down to the Millennium Woods to collect a wide variety of leaves. Once we returned to school we used an identification key to categorise our leaves. We then used EXCEL to create graphs displaying the number of each type.

Lastly, we created autumn land art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. Take a look at some of our creations and a new friend the P7s found and named Dobbie.

P7 – Junior Youth Conference 2020

Today, primary 7 took part in East Ayrshire’s Annual Youth Conference which was delivered live through Teams. This conference included three workshops: Celebrating Diversity, Your Council Your Voice and Lockdown Mental Health. P7 had excellent contributions to the conference. As part of the final workshop pupils had to create a positive slogan that will spread happiness or motivate someone. They only had 20 minutes to complete the challenge. Take a look at some of our creations.