Category Archives: Primary 2 20/21

Mrs Fullard’s Family Learning – Friday 5th February

Follow the links on the word document attached to this assignment to choose one family learning challenges.
Click here for the work document – Week 4 Family Activities
Your choices this week are:
Challenge 1 – Mental Health and Wellbeing Week – We are all stars!
Challenge 2 – Winter Walk challenges
Challenge 3 – STEM – making slime (adult supervision only!)
Challenge 4 – Drawing and reading Odd Dog Out with Steve Biddulph (or Robot drawing)
The links for the resources are in the forms below:
Art Links
Slime Links
Most importantly, have fun with your family challenges! I look forward to seeing what you get up to.

Mrs Fullard’s Family Learning Challenges – Friday 29th January

Choose one family challenge activities to complete with your family.

Please send me a photo, tell you what you did or take a video to show what you have done for your chosen task.

The idea is that these activities you can complete as a family with all those participating contributing at their level.

This week choose one of the following:
  • Family History Scavenger Hunt
  • Outdoor Learning – Tiny Treasure Hunt
  • STEM Task – Make a basket out of a paper plate
  • Task 4 – Scottish Art

Most importantly, choose a task that you will enjoy! I look forward to you sharing your learning. 

Mrs Fullard’s Friday Family Learning Tasks 15/1/21

Have a look at the links below to find out what you need to do for your Family Learning Challenge. You have a choice of activities.

Follow the link to hear me explaining the tasks to you.

To view the tasks in a word document, Click the link below.

Please attach any completed assignment and e-mail me at

I am looking forward to seeing what you do for the task you choose. Have fun!!