Primary 5 – Term 3 Learning Targets


The main areas of focus this term will be: 

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages 

  • Children will use their knowledge of factors to find the simplest form of a fraction 
  • Ordering fractions with different denominators and understanding equivalences 
  • Making the initial links between fractions and decimals, and then decimals and percentages  

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division 

  • Throughout this term, Primary 5 will continue to work on the above skills on a weekly basis. 
  • We will be multiplying and dividing numbers of up to 4 digits by a single number, 
  • We will be learning different strategies to add and subtract numbers up to 5 digits. 
  • Times tables are an integral part of numeracy at all levels, so these will be continued on a weekly basis. I would encourage the children to be working on these at home as much as possible.  


There are some useful games on the following website for practising multiplication tables: 

 Sumdog is also a useful resource which is accessible from home.





The children have started reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ by J.K. Rowling this term. Active Literacy reading strategies (Prediction, Metalinguistics, Visualisation, Inference, Main Idea and Summary) will be used to help demonstrate a deeper understanding of the content being read in class. 

Following this, we will be completing a block on non-fiction text 



This term we will be focussing on recount writing. This will include diary entries and newspaper report writing linked to our IDL topic, novel and current affairs.  



This term, our topic is The Romans. Some of the areas the children will be learning about are: the rise of the Roman Empire, Roman Numerals, different weapons used during battle and some historical figures who lived during the rule of the Roman Empire, e.g. Boudicca, Julius Caesar. 


Health and Wellbeing 

This term we will be focusing on Growth Mindset and how changing the way you think and speak about things can change the way you feel about them.

There will also be a short block on sexual health, more information on what the children will be learning can be found in the ‘Useful Links’ section of the blog. 

The children will also be learning about the human body with Mrs Fullard, focusing on the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system and vision. 

In P.E., the focus will be Short Tennis skills. 

Primary 1 Term 3 Learning 2020/2021

Literacy – the children will continue to read at their level and complete comprehension activities.  Reading days are normally Monday and Wednesday but please ensure that your child has their reading book in their bag each day as comprehension tasks are on-going throughout the week.

Our phonemes this term are   wh, ee,  oo,  ck, ai.

New spelling words are  have,  with,  to,  your,  by,  only,  are,  dad,  not,  she.  I will send a complete list of words covered throughout the year home next week should you wish to reinforce these.  The children should be able to read and write these words, recognise them when reading and  include them in a simple sentence.

We will continue to include our words when writing for a specific purpose eg. letter/card writing, reports/instructions, personal/imaginative writing.  This term as part of our Social Studies, we are reading the story Handa’s Surprise.  The children are describing the events and characters in the story and acting it out using puppets/role play to explore the characters, setting and feelings.

The children and myself thoroughly enjoyed the Class Talks last term and everyone completed the task extremely well.  We will participate in one more before the end of this term (June) and I  will notify you nearer the time regarding the topic.

Numeracy & Mathematics

The children will

  • recall the number sequence forward within the range 0-30 (and beyond) from any given number
  • continue to add and subtract mentally to 10
  • identify the number before, after and missing numbers within a sequence
  • solve simple missing number problems
  • use ordinal number in real-life contexts (I am 5th in the line)
  • apply addition and subtraction skills when counting money to pay for items to 10p (1p  2p  5p  10p coins)
  • begin to write and order numbers to 100
  • link addition and subtraction facts using number stories/number bonds
  • create a pictogram using relevant information and discuss finding and use a Carroll diagram and talk about what is in each part.

Health & Wellbeing

Relationships, Sexual Health & Parenthood

The children will

  • discuss what makes a good friend & how to develop positive relationships.
  • identify people who care for them
  • recognise similarities/differences and how we are all unique
  • name some parts of the body and how they work.

Substance Misuse – the children will learn what is meant by medicines and harmful substances and will show ways of getting help in unsafe situations and emergencies.  This will be explored through a story called Jenny and the Bear.   We will also visit and find out about the defibrillator outside the Village Hall as part of our local environment topic.

We will practice crossing the road safely and know how to travel safely in a vehicle.

We will continue to complete our daily mile and toothbrushing.

Social Studies

As well as our book study Handa’s Surprise, we will participate in a topic about our local area.  This will include litter picking in the park and playground when treating our village with respect, making posters about dog poo, looking at the roles of people who help us in our local environment and visiting the church/cemetery/old school.

Expressive Arts

The children are participating in role-play mime and dance through stories.  They will continue to complete painting, drawing and collage activities related to our class topics.  We will also participate in some clay modelling this term.


The children have made very good progress in logging on and off the computers, using the keyboard to write their name/sentences and accessing and using games/programmes.  They will continue to update their keyboard skills this term.

The children can use the school camera to record learning and this term they will record  and watch back interactions.

We will further explore caring for the environment and how our local services work through our Social Studies topic.

The children will use a range of materials and tools to design and make a model car.


Primary 6 Term 3

Primary 6 are already off to a flying start and have been incredibly busy working on many different aspects of the curriculum.


This term we will finish ready Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and will begin Dragon Fire by Anne Forbes. We will continue to embed our reading strategies with a particular focus on main idea and summary.

For writing we will look at the functional genres persuasive writing and explanation reports. The children will be encouraged to pay particular attention to the their tools for writing, focusing on punctuation.


So far this term we have  covered Money, more specifically hire purchase and budgeting, Angles and Area of triangles and rectangles. For the rest of the term we will look at number, including fractions, decimals and percentages.

Mrs Fullard who will be working with the children on Thursday and Fridays will cover symmetry and tessellation as well as problem solving strategies.

Health and Wellbeing

This term we will cover Relationships, sexual Health and Parenthood. The focus in Primary 6 will be to cover aspects of puberty. You can find more information on this by accessing the parent information booklets within the Useful Documents section on the Blog.

We will also continue to focus on our emotional and  mental health and strategies exploring ways to help support ourselves and others.


The children are thoroughly enjoying their work towards the John Muir Award and this will continue until the end of term. There are many aspects to this work including enjoying our natural surroundings, learning more about the science behind nature and sharing our learning with the wider community.

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood – Parent Information

Please find below the link to the Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood parental information letters.








Mrs Wilson – An Inspirational Head Teacher


On Friday, the whole school came together outdoors in a Covid safe way to let Mrs Wilson know what she meant to us, how we appreciated her hard work and commitment to Dunlop and to wish her well on her new and exciting chapter.

Mrs Wilson was the kindest, most nurturing, upbeat person you could ever hope to meet and we were so fortunate to have her lead Dunlop Primary School and ECC for seven years.

Mrs Wilson supported many children and staff over the years, and she was a trusted and valued colleague and friend to us all.  We will all miss Mrs Wilson, and of course, we will miss her assemblies from her garden shed.

We presented Mrs Wilson with lots of gifts as a token of how much she meant to us and then she took a walk of honour around the park to say goodbye to each child.

Thank you Mrs Wilson for being our Head Teacher and for always working so hard for Dunlop Primary School and ECC.

You are an inspiration!

Take care Mrs Wilson and don’t forget to wave to us when you are walking Tilly and Toby!

With kind regards, Mrs Nouillan and everyone at Dunlop Primary and ECC