P3b Termly Targets

Dear Parents/Carers, please open the link to see Primary 3b learning targets for this term. As the class are hard working and industrious, our work programme is well underway and the children delight me everyday with their enthusiasm for teaching and learning. Please keep looking at the blog as I will share the lovely learning ongoing. With kindest regards, Miss Barrett.

P3b Class Targets Aug – December 2020

Primary 1 – Term 1 Targets 20/21

Hi everyone,

I am pleased to report that all of the children have settled very well and are enjoying learning in Primary 1.  It is great to see how confidently they already move around the classroom, playground and park and interact with each other, myself, their buddy and other teaching staff.

Term 1 planning is as follows:

Numeracy & Mathematics

  • estimate amounts and check by counting
  • use one-to-one correspondence when counting
  • match and order numbers to 10 and beyond
  • count forwards and back to 20
  • find the number before/after/ between
  • add on one, then 2
  • share/use appropriate language to describe halves
  • sequence days of the week/months of the year
  • copy, continue and create patterns
  • recognise/sort/match 2D then 3D shapes
  • create a pictogram using relevant information.

The children also complete mental maths, Numicon and Number Talks activities each day which help them understand mathematical ideas and relationships essential for successful reasoning and problem-solving.

Literacy & Modern Language

Spelling words will continue to be sent home every three weeks, with week 3 being consolidation of sounds and spelling words covered so far.

To date we have explored a, t, s, i, p, n, r & m.  We will continue with d, e, c, k, g, l, f, o, b, u, h, w, j & v – 2 sounds per week (plus consolidation) until Christmas holidays.

We are also exploring:

  • rhyme
  • syllables
  • blending
  • using reading strategies
  • prediction/main points/retelling/sequencing stories
  • capital letters & full stops in sentences
  • name writing.


We will be using the Camembear resource to explore greetings and colours.

Health & Wellbeing


The children are enjoying the Daily Mile.  They are participating in  Games and practicing large ball skills as well as completing Cosmic Yoga and Dance activities and through these activities have an awareness that being active is a healthy way to be.


We are developing positive relationships, co-operation, turn taking, tidying up, taking care of resources and  showing an awareness of our school Values within the daily routine of the class.

We will be exploring:

  •  feelings, fairness, caring, sharing, friendships, equality and love within Mental Wellbeing
  • hand washing and tooth brushing as part of our daily routine to maintain wellbeing and health
  • internet safety.

Social Studies and Science

The children will be finding out about People in the Past through The Great Fire of London.  We will explore how people lived in the past and how their lives were different to ours.  We  will also look at local shops and services in comparison.

Our Science topics this term are Rain, Wind & Snow and Vibrations.

The children will:

  • describe and record the weather, its effects and how it makes them feel
  • use their findings to discuss and explore the seasons
  • investigate how water changes from one form to another
  • create instruments to explore sounds
  • explore sound vibrations of various pitches.

Expressive Arts

Our art lessons will be topic-related painting, drawing and collage.  We will also investigate colour mixing and observe  our local environment to record ideas, thoughts and feelings.

We will practice seasonal songs in class and use our instruments to keep a beat or practice a rhythm.


The children participate in Education City and Busy Things  on the classroom computers and are also learning to:

  • start up and shut down the computer
  • use the mouse
  • select and click on an icon
  • drag and drop
  • use the space bar, shift key and delete button
  • type their name.

Within technologies the children are using the class camera to record tasks and will develop practical skills using tools to solve problems within topic work.



P3a Termly Targets

Dear Parents/Carers, please open the link to see Primary 3a learning targets for this term. As the class are hard working and industrious, our work programme is well underway and the children delight me everyday with their enthusiasm for teaching and learning. Please keep looking at the blog as I will share the lovely learning ongoing. With kindest regards, Miss McClure.




Primary 7 – Term 1 Targets



Pupils will read two novels this term and apply the six reading comprehension strategies (prior knowledge, metalinguistics, visualisation, inference, main idea and summary). We are currently reading The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne and then will move on to Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian.

Media Block

After reading both of the above novels, pupils will complete a Media Block which involves developing literacy skills using moving image text. Pupils will analyse and discuss how the film maker uses various ‘Tools of Film’ (such as camera, sound/music, lighting/colour etc) to tell a visual story. A letter will be sent home prior to this.


Narrative writing – focusing on describing a setting, characterisation and incorporating a range of figurative language (hyperbole, personification, metaphors, similes etc). We will also be looking at techniques used to build suspense in story writing.

As part of our WW2 topic, we will be writing newspaper reports and biographies.

Pupils will continue to develop their tools for writing and applying this consistently across all writing.

Listening and Talking

In November, Primary 7 will deliver their Rosemary Thomson speeches. Letters will be sent home with more information.

Numeracy and Maths

Addition and Subtraction

  • Add and subtract 4 digits and beyond
  • Add and subtract negative numbers applying this to real life contexts.
  • Add and subtract decimals of varying places e.g. 2 – 1.06

Multiplication and Division

  • Multiply 4 digit whole numbers by single and 2 digit whole numbers
  • Use a variety of strategies to multiply and divide by common multiples of 10, 100, 1000.
  • Division by a single digit and interpret answers to division problems

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

  • Show where any fraction, decimal fraction or percent lies on a number line
  • Convert between simple fractions, decimal fractions and percentages
  • Find fractions of amounts


P7 have already covered a block of learning on perimeter and area. They focused on perimeter and area of composite shapes.


This term our topic is World War 2. We will be learning about war on the home front: The Blitz, evacuation, rationing etc. After the October holidays we will look at war in Germany, with a focus on the Holocaust.

Health and Wellbeing

Primary 7 will be learning about substance misuse and the effects this has on them physically and mentally. We will also be looking at Growth and Fixed Mindsets and through our IDL topic the children will look at equality and relationships, using the Story of Anne Frank.