This week we are thinking about how to be resilient and think about things positively even when we’re finding it difficult. Our assembly this week will be all about this and I’d like to share some of your ideas about times you’ve succeeded even when you found it difficult.
ECC and P1-3 Return Entrances
Following on from the guidance posted on the app about the return on Monday 22nd February, here is a video about entrances and exits for the ECC and P1-3 tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you.
P5 Home Learning Grid Week 7
Attached is P5’s Learning Grid for next week. Please note in addition to being in the hub on a Tuesday, I will also be in on a Thursday. P5 will be assigned independent work to work through these days. Week 7 Online Learning
Feel Good Friday!
Good morning everyone!
I hope you are well and had a lovely half term holiday. Please click on the link for this weeks Feel Good Friday to share how you are! The link is for pupils in P1 and P2/3. Pupils is P3/4, P5 and P6/7 will see the assignment in their Class Team on Glow.
Mrs Stevenson
Kindness Assembly Friday 19th February 2021
This week’s theme is kindness. I hope you do one of the kindness challenges and send it to me to see.
JRSO’s Tip of the Month
Attached is February’s Tip of the Month.
Zog by Julia Donaldson
As we are learning about Chinese new year this week I thought it might be nice to have a wee story about a dragon. There is also a short video link to give adults at home a wee break!
When you click on the sway, you may have to click the play button at the top right of the page which opens up. Enjoy!
Primary 3/4 – Home Learning Overview – Week 6
Hello everyone, I hope you had a great holiday weekend. This is a short week so we have a smaller overview for you.
P1 Remote Learning Week 6
Great news everybody! We will be back in school on Monday! Mrs Forsyth and I cannot wait to see your smiling faces!
I hope that you have all had a good few days holiday. For what is left of the week, we thought we would have some fun learning about Chinese New Year. I also have a couple of videos which will upload tomorrow morning about a dragon called “Zog” written by Julia Donaldson. There is also a short film of the story to give adults at home a bit of peace and quiet in their busy day!
Be sure to check out the school app for a JRSO competition – designing a cycling helmet. Also there will be a virtual assembly to take a look at on Friday.
Can’t wait to see you all on Monday!