All posts by gw18donnellylauren1@glow
P3/4 Homework
P3/4 P.E Days-Wednesday and Thursday
P3/4’s new P.E days are on a Wednesday and a Thursday. We ask that children come wearing P.E clothes (leggings, joggers etc). Please ensure school jumpers or cardigans are still worn. Indoor shoes should be brought so that children can change into them when they get to the P.E hall.
Miss Donnelly
P3/4 Self-Isolation Work
P3/4’s Home Learning for those who are isolating will be available on the P3/4 Class Teams page. Usernames are eap.surnamefirstname. The children will know their password. If they are unsure please email me on
P3/4 Burn’s Poetry Competition-Friday 28th Jan
P3/4’s Burn’s Poetry Competition will take place on Friday 28th January. Children will have the chance to recite their poem to the rest of the class. For the children self-isolating who want to take part in the competition, video’s can be emailed to me on
P3/4 Homework
Please practise your Burn’s Poem this week. “The Sair Finger”