All posts by Mrs Stevenson

P6/7 Fun Day

P6/7 had great fun  with a play in the park followed by an awesome game of Rounders at the Meeda today! The midgies didn’t stop us having lots of laughs and enjoying team games with each other. What an amazing class! 🌟

P6/7 REMINDER! Information for tomorrow, Wednesday 9th June 2021

We will be heading out to ‘The Meeda’ tomorrow morning for a play in the park and some team games and races.  Please come to school dressed appropriately for the weather – forecast is looking a bit wet for tomorrow, please bring a waterproof.  Pupils can take a snack and water for break time and we will return to school for lunch at 12.30pm.  In the afternoon, pupils will vote for a film to watch.  The films on offer may be rated PG, if you do not wish your child to watch a PG rated film, please contact email Mrs Stevenson:

Primary 6/7 Trip – Wednesday 9th June 2021

We will be heading out to ‘The Meeda’ on Wednesday (9th June 2021) in the morning for a play in the park and some team games.  Please come to school dressed appropriately for the weather – if hot and sunny, please put sun cream on before you come to school and if wet, remember a waterproof.  We will keep an eye on the forecast leading up to Wednesday.  Pupils can take a snack and water for break time and we will return to school for lunch at 12.30pm.  In the afternoon, pupils will vote for a film to watch.  The films on offer may be rated PG, if you do not wish your child to watch a PG rated film, please contact email Mrs Stevenson:


To all our Primary 7s,

The beautiful weather is set to continue for some of our ‘Alternative Residential this week!  Details of each days activities have been shared on our Class Team.

*****Please, please, please ensure that you are dressed appropriately for the weather – loose clothing, something with long sleeves to protect your arms from the sun, sensible shoes for walking and plenty of sun cream.  Pop some sun cream on before you come to school in the morning and bring it with you, to top up during the day!  You will enjoy the activities so much if you are comfortable! Remember plenty of water too! *****

Leadership Skills in P6/7!

Primary 6/7 have been planning and preparing sessions to lead socially distanced and outdoors with pupils across the school today! We are working in groups to create dance and fitness routines to some of our favourite songs! Look out for us on class outdoor days over the coming weeks! 💃🕺🎵🎶