Good morning P1

Just a wee catch up  to tell you what super stars we have in P1. The children have been back now for 2 weeks and they have been amazing. Your interest support and caring during our lockdown has insured the children’s return to class has been smooth and without drama. They have been so excited to see their friends and to begin learning together again. You lovely parents have done a great job and the children are already progressing with their learning ,excited and enthusiastically. Some fantastic descriptive writing last week  from our mini pirate topic.  Over the next 2 weeks we shall be having a science focus as that was so well received  during lockdown. (Stem)

Since you may be missing your learning together at home ……. look out for a wee home school project re ship building. Come on Jack, Jaxson and Ellis can you match that fantastic model making you shared during our space topic. More details to follow but you may want to start saving your wine corks and plastic trays..