22nd Homework

Homework – 22nd November 2021


Our homework this week will be to research information. On Thursday, we are going to be writing a report/fact file on a Scottish inventor to celebrate Scotland, therefore I am asking children to choose a Scottish inventor they are interested in learning about and to begin their research at home. Facts found about their chosen Scot can be noted down however children prefer – they may choose to make a mind-map, take bullet pointed notes in their homework jotters or on other paper etc. Please remember to bring notes to school on Thursday instead of Friday this week as it will help your writing. The more facts we find the better our stories will be.

There will be no other homework as I would like everyone to take their time and complete this task to the best of their ability. Bug Club books are always available for reading for enjoyment, as is Sumdog.


In case anyone is struggling for ideas I have attached a list of people I thought the children might be interested learning about.

Happy researching!!

  • John Logie Baird – Invented the television
  • Alexander Graham Bell – Invented the telephone
  • Alexander Fleming – Invented penicillin
  • William Cullen – Invented the refrigerator