15th November Homework

This week we have reading, spelling, maths and HWB homework.


This week is Scottish book week therefore our reading is going to be focused on Scottish books. You can copy and paste the link below to complete our reading on ‘Bookflix’. During this reading session the book will be read aloud for children to enjoy. They can choose any book they think they will enjoy and as many books as they wish.



Spelling words this week are:

Clever Cookies                Whizz Kids              Genius Gems

each                                      learn                                    satisfied

ask                                       children                                  juice

year                                    because                             stopped

each                                   earth                                     heard

family                                     their

which                                    January

what                                     February







Maths homework this week is a worksheet exercise which should be complete in homework jotters – if you complete your homework within half an hour please spend the remainder of the time practising your times tables.


HWB – Our problem of the week for PATHS is : I felt strong uncomfortable emotions when my pet passed away. Please can you create a poster showing a solution to our PATHs problem. If you need paper or card please ask in class and I can get you some.


Have a lovely week everyone 😊