Homework 8th November

Monday 8th November

Good morning,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for a fresh week.

The homework for the week this week is for all children to practise their spelling words for their spelling test on Friday. The words for the week this week are:


Whizz Kids                             Genius Gems                   Clever Cookies

know                                        Christmas                               day

some                                       Easter                                        away

each                                        Season                                     always

another                                  birthday                                  today

watch                                      centre

always                                     circle

which                                      square

with                                         triangle



Additionally, this week all children have been encouraged to look for all of the representations of their sound of the week in a contextualised environment – for example the supermarket, on a road sign etc. Write any places and examples of words in homework jotters.

Sounds –

  • All representations of the sound ‘k’ – ‘c’, ‘k’, ‘ck’ and ‘ch’
  • ‘wr’ Whizz Kids
  • ‘r’ Clever Cookies

Maths homework this week is a worksheet to complete in jotters. Please spend at least half an hour on your maths – if you finish your worksheet within this time spend the remainder of your time on Sumdog completing multiplication games.

Reading homework this week is to read your book on Bug Club and complete your comprehension questions throughout the book by clicking on the bugs as they appear.

Children have been issued homework jotters therefore their maths and spelling should be complete in their jotters.

Have a lovely week!!