Homework 01/11/21

Good morning, I hope you have all had a lovely/spooky weekend!

This week for homework we are looking for children to write a recipe so we can put all of our amazing ideas together to create a school cook book. It can be any recipe of your choice and should be complete on the recipe sheet given home with children.

Please make sure everyone writes the name of the food they are creating their recipe for at the top of their page. For each ingredient it should also state how much is needed.

As well as their recipe children should also practise their spelling words for their spelling test on Friday. Their words are:

Genius Gems              Whizz Kids         Clever Cookies

beautiful                    gave                           are

frightened                 family                        come

teacher                      how                            of

difficult                     might                         new

little                          people                        have

Scotland                    which                         your

England                      again



For maths this week please spend 15-20 minutes on Sumdog completing multiplication challenges.

Have an amazing week!


Miss McGrane