All posts by Mrs Muldoon

Shape Hunt

Hi boys and girls 😀 Today I went on………… A shape hunt !!

I looked all around my house , up high and down low to find lots of different shapes.
Maybe you could go on your very own shape hunt at home and let me know what you find!

I found rectangles, squares, circles , a triangle and an oval . I wonder if you can spot them in my photo?

Happy hunting ……. love Mrs McKinlay x



Seedling update

Hi Boys and Girls!

Hope you are all well and keeping safe. I am missing you all very much.

Some of you done a super job a few weeks ago by helping me plant some seeds for our nursery garden. Can you remember what kind of seeds we planted???It was sunflowers and herbs called thyme, rosemary, and mint.

We put them on a sunny windowsill, and you have all been helping to water and take care of your seeds. You must have done a great job because they have started to grow into little seedlings. Since the nursery is sadly closed, I took them home with me to make sure they got looked after. I thought you might like to see them, so here are some photos of your fantastic seedlings!! Look how much the sunflowers have grown! The thyme seedlings are very tiny.

I had some super helpers to write the signs too. Well done!!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Love from Mrs McDonald xx


What have we been doing this week.

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Star Room ⭐️
The star room have been settling in well playing with their friends again. The children have been very busy building houses, looking for treasure in the sand, making play dough and enjoying stories.

Outside we have been very creative building models using our loose parts and construction area. The children demonstrated good team work and problem solving. All the children took part in some exercise using a variety of movements. The mud kitchen was very popular where we made mud pies.


The Sun Room ☀️

The children in the sun room have settled in well and enjoyed seeing their nursery friends again. We have very busy exploring indoors and outdoors.

We have been writing stories and drawing our favourite book characters. We have been in the messy corner playing with play dough, digging for vegetables in the compost and planing herbs for the garden. Lots of fun and games in the numeracy area.


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Activity with Mrs Donaldson and Kayla

Mrs Donaldson and Kayla thought we would share this fun activity with everyone.

We froze some animals and figures into small tubs with food colouring to make ice skating figures. We slide them back and forth to each other and talked about the different colors and described how they felt. ? What do you think they feel like?