The Creative room

Welcome to our Creative Zone where the children love to explore arts & crafts, role play, water and a variety of messy, sensory play experiences such as dough, shaving foam, and gloop, the list goes on – the messier the better! The children are encouraged to channel their inner creativity to produce wonderful masterpieces –  after all “Every child is an artist!”  in Crosshouse ECC. You will notice that the majority of your child’s work is uniquely theirs, we encourage child led experiences which support individuality, and believe that art is about the process and not the end product.

The playdough area is always a popular spot where the children love to mix the ingredients independently which encourages problem solving, sharing, turn taking and numeracy skills. They also like to add colours, scents and sometimes some sparkle!

The home corner and kitchen area is always a favourite where the children will act out real life experiences and often make cupcakes and a “wee cup of tea” for the teachers. You may have noticed that we also use authentic resources in this area to enhance the children’s play and learning – real objects give opportunity for intrigue and curiosity whilst managing risk.

 The water tray is a favourite, the children love to fill and empty containers and experiment with a variety of objects. And when it all gets too much we have a cosy sofa area where the children can cuddle up, chill out and relax with a book – we are in the process of further developing this area to make it really nice and homely!