Children In Need Activities
Role Play
Information regarding disability benefits
The above link will take you to the EAC page – An automatic annual payment where a child/young person has a ‘qualifying’ disability benefit.
We went to the post box!
Snack consultation
As part of our consultation we would be grateful if you could complete the short survey below.
Snack Consultation
We asked our children what liked eating for snack.
Information about support
The children were exploring patterns at group time, yesterday 10/11/21 indoors, in the afternoon we took our learning outside and found patterns in our environment. The children were so enthusiastic and keen! Great use of language such as stripy, spotty, lines, and diamond patterns.
Children In Need Day
Friday 19th November 2021
Children In Need Day is Friday 19th November. The E.C.C. will be taking part in this.
Children can wear dress down clothes, Pudsey outfits or something spotty.
The children will participate in lots of Pudsey activities during the day.
No donations will be accepted at the E.C.C. however, if you wish to make a donation to Children In Need, please use this link for their website.
Thank you,