Innovative Idea

The Children made their own game rather than having one from the cupboard. They were really keen to share it with everyone. They added the dots and numbers independently, they then used natural materials as their counters. They counted, worked collaboratively and celebrated each other successes! Well done everyone!

Luke said “it’s fun doing these things and when you win.”

Snow Day

The children enjoyed exploring outdoors today. They worked collaboratively together to make a snow man and gave him a flowerpot hat, they searched the garden to find items for his eyes, nose, buttons, and arms.
They also checked on their experiment they created earlier in the week to find out how much rain was falling. They added food colouring to bottles, weighed then down and added measuring tapes to see the volume of water. They were excited to find snow inside their gauges.
Everyone had fun exploring with the snow, clearing it, and finding fun ways to transport it around the garden.

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