Please have a look at the results from our recent Secret Inspector Survey.
ECC – Communication Top Tip
Please have a look at the above link for the top tip for May.
ECC – Our Learning
Please have a look at our recent learning.
ECC – transition event
Miss Stevenson visited the ECC this afternoon to meet everyone moving into Primary 1 after the summer holidays. Miss Stevenson read the children a story about when Dragons go to school and gave out very special stickers for great listening. Everyone is so excited about their visit to Primary 1 on Friday. 😊
This morning in the garden we were joined by Mrs Ross and her P5/6 class. They are helping our ECC children on their transition journey to Primary 1.
Our children attending P1 this year have been allocated a Buddy for moving into P1 and our children who will be returning to the Centre after the Summer have been building relationships with the P5 children as an early transition experience for them.
It was a wonderful experience and the P5/6 children and ECC children were very excited about this taking place until mid June.
ECC – Health and Wellbeing
Secret Inspector Questionnaire
Please complete our survey which will enable us to focus on improvements.
Thank you
ECC – celebrating success
Celebrating Success – Luke counted to 100 in tens and could tell us the answer to 20+10, 30+10 and so on. He was congratulated by Mrs Mckillop (DHT) and Mr Houston (HT).
ECC -Easter fun at home
Look at the wonderful eggs Kayden designed.
ECC Easter Egg Hunt
KB Holistics donated an egg hunt box so the kids could find them in the garden. They had to look and find the egg with their name on it. The children also made a thank you card for the donation which will be given later on today.