We have had a lovely day and are all now safely on the bus back home. There are some tired children after all their fun in the sun. ☀️
ECC – May experiences
Please have a look at what our children have been finding out about.
ECC – thank you
Thank you to everyone who came along for our Teddy Bears Picnic!
It was a very special afternoon. It was so nice to see everyone together having so much fun!
Thank you to our P5/6 friends, Miss Stevenston and all the grown up visitors who came along.
photos will follow at a later time
ECC – May Learning
Please have a look at what our children have been doing.
ECC – round 2 applications now open
If you wish to apply for a place at Fenwick ECC, please use the link below.
ECC – Information that may be useful
ECC Sports Day Update
ECC Sports Afternoon Update
Our sports afternoon is due to take place today. Parents and Carers are invited to come along (however we ask that you limit to 2 adults per child).
At the moment the plan is to hold the event in the field. However, if it rains between now and 1.45pm we will move into the playground (you will be able to come and watch your child). If very heavy rain at 1.45pm we will move our afternoon into the gym hall and we cannot welcome any adults into the gym hall.
Fingers crossed it stays dry!
ECC – Fun at the park
We finsihed off health week with a lovely trip to the local park for lots of excercise and fresh air. Everyone had a fun filled afternoon 😊
ECC – Building Work
Our renovations are going very well. The architect took some pictures to show everyone some of the work so far.