ECC – Photos
Happy Friday!
What a wet week!!
Here’s hoping for a dry weekend.
Once we have all our photo permissions we will be able to add photos to our blog and to facebook/twitter.
ECC – Parental Consultation
As the refurbishment of our Centre nears the end we would like to ask your opinion about the opening times.
Please complete the form below, this closes on Friday at 9.30am.
Thank you.
ECC September Newsletter
Please have a look at our newsletter which has lots of useful dates for you.
ECC Come and Play with us
Come and Play Sessions
Our Come and Play sessions next week are:
Tuesday 27th September 2-2.30 Sunshines
Wednesday 28th September 2-2.30 Rainbows
Our sessions will be held outdoors in the garden area, however, we look forward to having indoor sessions once we move into our new E.C.C.
ECC – building work
Please have a look at the recent photos of the building work for our Centre.
ECC – Achievements
In our ECC we love to celebrate the achievements of our children. If your child has an achievement eg. a karate certificate, a swimming medal, they can bring into the Centre and show everyone. Staff will take a photograph and display in the playroom.
ECC August Newsletter
Our nursery is taking part in the NAP SACC UK research study
Our nursery has been selected to take part in a national research study which is looking at ways to support nurseries in the work they do to support children’s health. This study will test a programme from the United States, called ‘NAP SACC’.
The NAP SACC programme is being used very successfully in nurseries in the United States. It consists of a package of support for nurseries to make them the healthiest places they can be for children. Nurseries already do a lot of this sort of work themselves and the NAP SACC package will give them additional ideas and plans for things they can do to make their nurseries even healthier.
NAP SACC has been adjusted to be suitable for UK nurseries (‘NAP SACC UK’), but this UK version needs to be tested to find out if it really makes a difference to children’s health before it can be offered to nurseries across the UK.
So, to test the programme fairly, half of the nurseries taking part in the trial will receive the NAP SACC UK programme and half will continue with their usual policies and plans. Specially trained research staff will visit all of the nurseries, and will follow COVID-19 safety procedures, to take measurements to see if the programme made a difference.
The researchers will be asking around 700 families from 56 nurseries to agree for their children to take part. These children will have their heights and weights measured and will be given a small activity belt to wear around their waist; they will also have photographs taken of their food at nursery. This will tell the researchers whether there are any differences in the children’s growth, the amount of activity they do and the food they eat at nursery.
The research team have already tested NAP SACC UK on a small group of nurseries, and parents and nurseries told them that they were happy with it. Our nursery is taking part in a larger study that will tell the researchers whether NAP SACC UK makes a positive difference for children’s health.
If your child is aged 2 years or older, is not yet attending school, and is attending the nursery for 12 hours per week across the year or 15 hours per week during term time you will receive an invitation for them to take part. If you would like to speak to someone before you make up your mind, we can signpost you to the research team or you can also contact the research team directly by email or telephone: or on 0141 353 7642.
£10 voucher will be given to parents when the accelerometer units are returned as a thank you for their help. We will email the parents this voucher.
ECC Clothing
ECC Clothing
With the wet weather we have recently experienced, could you ensure your child has wellingtons, waterproof trousers/jacket in order to allow for a full experience when outdoors.
Although we have waterproof clothes, a great amount are needing replaced and are therefore not suitable. We do have a few sets in case anyone forgets.
Once the weather becomes colder, could you please send your child with hat, scarf and gloves.
Thank you for your continued support.