All posts by Joanne McKay

Learning Journals

*Information for children who are moving into Primary 1*

Over your child’s time in the ECC we have documented their learning journey and key events on their individual Learning Journal.

Unfortunately this is a platform used in the ECC and not in Primary 1, therefore their journal will be deactivated on the 30th of August 2024.

Please use the time between now and then to save any photographs from their Learning Journal that you would like to keep for your records.

Please speak to Joanne or your child’s Key Worker if you require your password for learning Journals to be reset.

In Primary 1 you will be able to visit the Primary 1 class blog on GLOW to keep up to date with your child’s learning.

Potted Sports

Everyone had a super time at Potted Sports yesterday. The P5/6 buddies did an amazing job of planning and delivering exciting stations for the children to take part in.

Everyone received a certificate and medal, specially made for them by their Buddy, to take home.

Thank you to Mrs Wilson, Mrs Murphy and all of the pupils from Primary 5 and Primary 6 for planning such a great afternoon.

Mini-Massage In Schools Programme – Information Session – 18.03.24

We are delighted to be able to provide an information session on Mini-MISP.

Parents and Carers are warmly invited to join the session to find out more about the Massage Programme, to discuss the fundamental principles and boundaries surrounding the Mini-MISP and to ask any questions which they may have.

The first part of the session is for Parents/ Carers only. ECC staff will then bring your child along to the session.

Date: Monday 18th March 2024

Venue: Fenwick Primary School Gym Hall

Time: 2.15pm – 2.45pm

Hosted by: Dougie Mirfin


We look forward to seeing you there.


World Book Day – 7th March 2024

Dress as your favourite book character:

Children are welcome to attend the Centre dressed as their favourite book character or alternatively they can dress in their play clothes, if they wish.

There is a rail available in the ECC corridor if you wish to place costumes which are in good condition and your child has outgrown as a Costume Swap Shop. Please take what you need and leave what you can.

Children can bring their favourite story books to the ECC from Monday 4th of March – Friday 8th of March. We will read the stories during the session to the children and then return them home.

Author Visit:

We are delighted that the author Rachel MaGaw will be visiting the ECC to celebrate World Book Day.  She will read one of her books, The Kilted Coo, to the children and then help them to complete some experiences relating to the story.

Rachel will be in the School hall from 1.20 – 2.00pm on Thursday the 7th March selling signed copies of her book. Parents are welcome to attend during these times and purchase a copy. Alternatively, if you wish your child to buy a book, please provide the exact money in a sealed envelope. This should be clearly labelled with the title of the book you wish to purchase and your child’s name, and hand it to your child’s Key Worker on the morning of 7/3/24. Please find a pricelist attached. Please note – book sales are cash only.

Book Swap Box:

Our Book Swap Box is available throughout the year in the main ECC corridor. If you have any books in good condition, which your child no longer reads please donate them to the Book Swap Box for others to enjoy.

Please take a book from the box to enjoy at home, then return it when you have finished.