End of Term Message

🌟Well that’s a wrap for session 2022 – 2023. 🌟

What an incredible year we have had here in Fenwick ECC.

We hope all of our children and their families have an amazing summer.
We look forward to welcoming our returning children back to the Centre in August.

To our children moving to Primary 1 – we are all so incredibly proud of the amazing young people you are. Good luck and please come to visit us if you can.

🌟”One thing we’ve tried to teach you, to last your whole life though, is just to know how special you are, just because you are you.” 🌟
(Author unknown)


Please see our Facebook page for a video of some end of term celebrations.

Summer Garden Party


Everyone had lots of fun at our garden party last week.

We had music, dancing, bubbles, an ice cream station and lots of fun experiences.

The children and their grown ups helped Gillian to release some butterflies.  The children have helped to care for these butterflies since they were tiny caterpillars and watched then grow and transform.

Thank you to everyone who came along – it was a lovely afternoon!


Group Allocations 2023 – 2024

Your child will receive a letter with details of their Key Worker group for the new session starting in August.

Some children may remain the the same group, where others may move to a new group.

We are very lucky here in Fenwick ECC that all team members know all children very well and all children have built up very positive relationships with the staff team over their time in the ECC. These positive relationships make occasions such as staff training and absence an easy to manage transition.

If you have any worries or concerns about group allocations please speak to Joanne or call 01560 600403.

Thank you for your continued support.

*Learning Journal information for children who are moving into Primary 1*

*Information for children who are moving into Primary 1*

Over your child’s time in the ECC we have documented their learning journey and key events on their individual Learning Journal.

Unfortunately this is a platform used in the ECC and not in Primary 1, therefore their journal will be deactivated on the 1st of September 2023.

Please use the time between now and then to save any photographs from their Learning Journal that you would like to keep for your records.

Please speak to Joanne or your child’s Key Worker if you require your password for learning Journals to be reset.

In Primary 1 you will be able to visit the Primary 1 class blog on GLOW to keep up to date with your child’s learning.


Uniform Swap Shop

Along with Fenwick Primary School the ECC will also have a Uniform Swap Shop. Please feel free to bring in any donations of uniform which your child no longer needs or has out grown.

This will be a available throughout this week and when we return in August.
Please feel free to look through donations, take what you need and leave what you can.
Thank you for you continued support. 🐝

Spreading Sunshine

Fenwick ECC Spreading Sunshine

The children have been very busy over the past few months planting and caring for Sunflowers. They helped to water them and took them outside to help them grow.

When the Sunflowers were tall enough, they drew pictures that made them feel happy to attach as labels to the flowers.

The children decided they would like their plants to help make people feel happy.

They then delivered them to places in the local community.

The Rainbow Group delivered Sunflowers to Rev. Kim at Fenwick Parish Church. They helped Rev. Kim plant the Sunflower in the church ground and also helped to plant another beside the community bug hotel. We were very lucky to receive a flower back to grow in our garden too.

Some children delivered Sunflowers to neighbours of the ECC, to the Pharmacy, the Kings Arms and to the Hairdressers.

We also delivered some Sunflowers to the residents of Hallhouse Care Home for them to grow in their garden.

We placed lots of Sunflowers in the local coffee shop for people to take home and plant in their gardens.

It is important to everyone in Fenwick ECC to be part of our local community.  We look forward to planning more community projects in the new term.

ECC Sun 🌞 Cream Information

We are being absolutely spoiled with this weather and it looks set to continue all this week ❤️☀️🏖.

Please send children with sun hats 🧢 🌞🕶️ and wearing sun cream please.

Thank you to everyone who has handed in sun cream for their child.  As the children are keen to get straight out to play, we will have these in the cloak room area each day in case children require cream for the day ahead.    Don’t worry if you require cream as we have some available.

Thank you for your continued support.