Above is the top tip for Parents/Carers,
We can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow!
We would like to welcome you to bring your child into the playroom on Thursday and Friday this week. This will allow you the opportunity to change their shoes/ wash their hands and lead them into the playroom. We realise that due to COVID many parents have not been in our playroom before and we would like to welcome you to bring your child in each day this week.
Our ECC doors are open 8.40-8.50 am and due to staff having to be in the playroom with the children we do require to close the door at 8.50am. If you arrive after the doors closing time, please ring the bell in the entrance and someone will attend to you as soon as we can. At home time our doors open at 2.40pm close at 2.50pm and we would ask you to please be on time as this is the main exit for the school (taxi children leave at 2.55pm).