PE Timetable

Every week each class will have two PE times, although our teachers will also make the most of lovely weather by taking their learning outdoors when they can.  We will continue with PE sessions outside until further notice.

On your child’s PE days, they should come to school wearing their school uniform on top (polo shirts, shirts, sweatshirts, school hoodies, cardigans etc) and a pair of shorts/trackies or leggings, with trainers.  This means they can take a full part in any outdoor PE activities.  Please ensure any jewellery (especially earrings) is removed before coming to school.

PE Days for Catrine PS – September 2021

Primary 1 – Tuesday and Thursday

Primary 2 – Tuesday and Friday

Primary 3 – Wednesday and Friday

Primary 4 – Monday and Thursday

Primary 5/6 – Monday and Friday

Primary 6/7 – Tuesday and Thursday

Flu jag permission letters

Your child has come home with another letter to be completed and returned – this time from the NHS for their flu immunisation programme.  NHS Scotland are hoping to collect the returns from Catrine PS on Thursday 2nd September so it would be great if all completed envelopes were back tomorrow or Thursday please.

Also, another online pupil permission form has been uploaded onto GLOW – see the previous post.   Please take the time to complete and submit your responses to allow your child to access digital learning technology at Catrine PS.

In summary, each child needs three paper permission forms completed and returned to school and two online permission forms completed.  I appreciate that these take time to complete but it’s EAC policy that all parents/carers provide this information for their children so your support is appreciated.

Thank you.  Mrs Govans

Photo Permission for Catrine PS pupils

During the school year we love taking photos and videos of our pupils taking part in their many activities and events to share with you on our class GLOW blogs.

Please complete the form below to allow us to take photos and videos of your child throughout session 2021/22.

Thank you.  Mrs Govans

PS – please remember to order your child’s school lunches

PPS – please remember to complete and return the two permission slips that have been sent home.   🙂

Pupil info – letters home today

All classes (apart from P5/6 who will receive their letters on Monday) are coming home today with two important forms to be completed.

The Annual Data Check is where you let us know about any changes to addresses, telephone numbers, emergency contacts and medical issues.  It is really important that all of the above information is kept up to date for your child.

The second form is an EV5 permission slip to allow your child to participate in outdoor learning walks around our village throughout the year.   Please note that each child needs to return a completed EV5 to be permitted to go on the class walks so it would be great if they were all returned quickly so that we can make the most of the lovely weather over the next few weeks.

Have a lovely weekend.  Mrs Govans 🙂

Class Blogs

We have completed our first full week back & we are delighted to be able to share our class blogs with you all.

This is where you will find specific class information & get a snapshot of some of the things your child/children have been up to since returning to school.

To access your child’s class blog from a mobile phone, click the 3 lines at the top of this page (see photo below) & you will see the title Primary School Classes. From there you will be able to select your child’s class from the list.

A great start to Term 1

What a wonderful first two days of Term 1 we’ve had, with our pupils starting their new classes with positivity and enthusiasm.  As for our new Primary 1 pupils – they were a wee bunch of superstars!!

A few wee things to highlight as we move into our first full week back at school …

  • please remember to order your child’s lunch online via Parentpay.  Our brilliant kitchen staff, led by Catering Manager Shelagh Sloan, are also preparing lunches every day for Catrine ECC, Muirkirk PS and ECC and Ochiltree PS so they need as many dinners ordered in advance as possible to help with their planning and preparation.
  • Our playground is supervised by staff from 8.45am – it would be great if no pupils were in the playground before this time.
  • Every day our pupils will exit in the same format, with the younger pupils leaving first so that they can be collected by their parents/carers, freeing up the main gate/entrance for the next class of pupils.
  • The order will be – 3.00pm: Primary 1, Primary 3 then Primary 5/6 and at 3.10pm: Primary 2, Primary 4 then Primary 6/7.
  • It would be appreciated if parents/carers could stand away from the main gate/entrance until their child’s class is making their way down through the playground towards the gate – this would ease congestion and help with social distancing guidelines which should be followed at all times.
  • We are delighted that the School Streets parking restrictions are still in place around our school between the hours of 8.30-9.20am and 2.30-3.20pm – it is making the start and end of our ECC and school days much safer for everyone.

Thanks, as ever, for your continued support.  Mrs Govans

Back to school – school lunches

One more sleep … 🙂

Primary 2 to Primary 7 pupils – please remember to order their school lunch via Parentpay.

Primary 1 pupils – you can help your child choose what they would like for their lunch on Thursday and Friday when you are bringing them into school tomorrow, Thursday 19th, at 9.30am.

Once your child has officially started in Primary 1 we can add them to our Parentpay account and login details will be provided to you over the next few days.

PS – wee reminder – remember to write your child’s name in their jackets, jumpers, trousers, skirts and packed lunch bags please!

See you all tomorrow morning!  Mrs Govans 🙂


Welcome back!

We’re busy getting organised for our pupils starting back at Catrine Primary School after a brilliant summer, so there’s lots of information coming your way …

ECC decant – with our ECC taking over our infant end of the school, ALL Catrine PS pupils will enter and leave by our MAIN pupil gates.

Start and finish times – we’re continuing with our staggered start and finish times at the moment with

Primary 1, Primary 3 and Primary 5/6 starting at 9.00am and finishing at 3.00pm.

Primary 2, Primary 4 and Primary 6/7 starting at 9.10am and finishing at 3.10pm.

Please note that parents/carers should wait outside of the school gates for their child, following social distancing guidelines.

Staff will always be in the playground at the beginning and end of each day to ensure our pupils’ wellbeing and to show them where to line up.

Parking – after our successful School Streets trial last term, the parking restrictions are still in place around Catrine PS during term time dates.  The restricted times are between 8.30-9.30am and 2.30 and 3.20pm.  Thanks to everyone for supporting us with this scheme as it’s making such a difference in keeping our pupils safe at the beginning and end of the school day.

Lunches – we are delighted that our Primary 1 to Primary 4 pupils will be eating their lunches in our dinnerhall, with our P5/6 and P6/7 pupils continuing to eat their lunches in their classes for the time being.  Please remember to book your child’s lunches in advance.

What to bring – for the time being PS pupils don’t need to bring a school bag or a PE kit to school.  They can bring their packed lunch bag and a water bottle.  We will continue to have PE outdoors for the next wee while, and will update you when we start having PE indoors.


On Thursday 19th and Friday 20th August, our new Primary 1 pupils will be in school from 9.30am to 2.30pm.

On Thursday, one adult should bring them into the main playground at 9.30am where we will ensure that you get the chance to take some special photos to celebrate their First Day at School.

At 2.30pm our staff will walk our Primary 1 pupils down to the main gate to be collected by one parent/carer.

Our Primary 1 pupils will be in school from 9.00am to 3.00pm from Monday 23rd August.   We can’t wait to welcome them to Catrine PS!

I hope I’ve covered all of the bases but if you have any further questions please email me at or phone the school on Tuesday or Wednesday between 10.30am and 12.00pm.

Looking forward to a brilliant school year at Catrine PS and ECC.

Mrs Govans

Happy Holidays!

What a year it has been!

We are so proud of all our children, families and staff who have been such superstars during this extraordinary year.  We have faced lots challenges but we have faced them together and achieved so much despite the obstacles in our way.

We have had such a fun week this week to end the year with walks to the park, skimming stones in the river, board games, outdoor games, escape rooms, movies and so much more! Mrs Govans has really missed being with us but she has been enjoying seeing photos and videos of what we have been up to.

P7 enjoyed their fun day on Wednesday and boogied the day away in their disco dome.  We wish them the best of luck as they head to the academy and look forward to hearing how they all get on next year.

We say goodbye to Miss Feighan, Mrs Stewart, Mrs O’Hare and Miss Robertson and thank them very much for all their hard work.

We are delighted to welcome Miss Edmond as our P3 teacher next year, I’m sure she will have a great year at Catrine Primary School.

Please keep a look out over the holidays on our blog and school app for all the arrangements for coming back in August.  Pupils return on Thursday 19th August.

I wish you all a very happy summer holiday.  Keep safe and I look forward to seeing you in August.

Mrs Schendel


Last few days of term!

Primary 7 are looking forward to their leavers fun day tomorrow.  Details of this are on the P6/7 blog page.

All other pupils will be taking part in some fun activities throughout tomorrow and the rest of the week.   Pupils can come to school in casual clothes for the rest of the week and be suitably dressed for going walks or playing outdoors.

A reminder that the school closes at 1pm on Friday.  Pupils will receive their school lunches before they are sent home.

Mrs Schendel

Important parent/carer update 21.06.21

Please click on the link below for an NHS letter relating to a positive pupil case within Catrine PS.  Please note that the pupil involved had not been in school at all during their infectious period so there is very little risk to our pupils/staff.

No Contact Generic Parent Letter (Updated 06.03.21)

We appreciate that this is a worrying time for all of our parents/carers and staff – please contact the school with any issues/questions and thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Govans

For attention of Primary 7 parents/carers

P7 Pupils – The Robert Burns Academy School App

Parents of P7 pupils who are moving to S1 are reminded to add The Robert Burns Academy to their school app to enable them to access any updates about the academy and any news of upcoming events.

To do so, click on the 3 lines at the top of the home tab and click ADD SCHOOL. Type The Robert Burns Academy and  click select.

You can have up to 5 schools on the App at one time. It may be of use to also download Vibrant Communities as this gives updates on services and facilities available across East Ayrshire

School meals week beginning 21/06/2021

Please fill in the menu below indicating your child’s choices for this week.

An East Ayrshire Council site

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