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Headteacher’s Challenge #25

Happy Tuesday morning to you all 🙂

Staff are allowed back in the Primary School and ECC this week, so yesterday Mrs McDicken, Mrs Goudie, Mrs Schendel, Miss McLean, Miss Burleigh and I were all in at school – it was just lovely to see them all.  Mrs McDicken, Mrs Schendel and I have been in a few times but this was the first time that Miss Burleigh and Miss McLean had been in since March – they were so happy to be back in their classrooms (but they missed all their pupils big time 🙁 )  I look forward to catching up with all of the other teachers and Classroom Assistants over the next few days.

Please take a minute to complete the surveys about online learning on the APP and GLOW – it’s really important that we get your views so that any necessary changes can be made before August.

Today’s challenge is another Estimation Challenge, as you all seemed to have such good fun with the Doors Estimation Challenge last week.  Can you guess how many pairs of shoes you own?  Shoes can be any kind of footwear – trainers, sandals, slippers, football boots, wellies … Estimate how many pairs you have and then go and count them.  Was your estimate close to your final answer?  Challenge some other people in your family to make a guess about their shoes total too.  Let me know how you get on.

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.

Winners !!

Last week one of our favourite shops, Dunelm in Kilmarnock, posted a competition on Facebook …

Lots of parents, carers, family members and friends of Catrine PS and ECC voted… and guess what?… WE WON!!!

We are absolutely delighted and want to thank everyone who voted and Dunelm for donating the fabulous outdoor resources.

The children in Catrine will love them 🙂


Headteacher’s Challenge #24

Good morning and happy Thursday to you all – this week is just flying in!

We were delighted to be chosen as the winners in the Dunelm Kilmarnock Outdoor Toys competition – thank you to everyone who nominated both the ECC and the PS.  Alana, our ECC Deputy Manager, collected the toys yesterday – look out for her post and photo today and I’m sure the wide selection of toys will be well played with by pupils at both establishments.

As we had such a horrible wet day yesterday I’m giving you a skiddly challenge today – The Water Bucket Challenge.

You will need – one bucket/container filled with water, one empty bucket/container, a plastic cup and a timer.

This can get messy so this challenge is best done outdoors (and it might be even more skiddly fun if it’s done in the rain!)

Place the empty container at one end of the garden or path, and place the container filled with water at the other end.  Start the timer for one minute.  Starting at the end of the garden/path with the filled container, fill up your cup and run to the empty container, pour your water in and then repeat until your minute is up.  How many cups of water can you fill the container with in one minute?  Challenge the rest of your family and see who can empty the most cups into the container in one minute.

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x


Update from EAC Education Department

Please note – ​​​​​​​an article was released in a local newspaper yesterday which stated that all EAC schools and ECCs  were starting back on 18th August 2020 – this is not the case. 

A starting date has still to be confirmed for a return for both pupils and staff.  Further information will follow regarding the start date for the August term.

On behalf of Linda McAulay-Griffiths, Head of Education

Headteacher’s Challenge #23

Happy Tuesday to you all 🙂

Thank you to all pupils, parents, family and friends who participated in our Health Week and Sports Day last week.  It was wonderful seeing so many photos and videos of your Family Sports Day events – lots of effort had gone into preparing for races and organising equipment and it was brilliant to see.  Thank you.

All staff are gearing up towards getting back into both the school and ECC from next week – we are making plans for when we return in August and will share these with you as soon as they are approved by EAC.  The health and safety of our children is our main priority so we’re taking on board both local and national guidelines to make sure we get it right.

I’m looking forward to our virtual Parent Council meeting which is taking place via Zoom tonight – hearing the views and concerns of our parents/carers is so important at this time so let your Parent Council know if you have any questions.

Today’s challenge is an Estimation Challenge, and it might sound easier than it actually is.  Sit yourself down in the living room of your house and count how many doors there are in your entire house. Easy peasy!  Or is it?? 

Remember that there are external doors, internal doors, cupboard doors, cabinet doors, dolls house doors … the list is endless!  Try to count in your head – make an estimate – and then go around your whole house and count all the doors and see how close your estimate was to the correct answer.  You’ll be amazed how many doors there are in your house!  Challenge the other people in your house to make an estimate too. Let me know who got the closest answer in your household.

On Sunday I was walking up Cairn Table with my family and dogs, and I thought I was doing so well, until two wee rascals skipped past me shouting ‘hiya Mrs Govans!’ and then proceeded to RUN up the rest of the hill.  They were actually starting to come back down the hill before I had even reached the top! Although they made my efforts look pathetic,  it was a real treat to see Ellie and Leighton enjoying themselves with their mum, dad and Bella the dog in the lovely sunshine.

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x

Health and Wellbeing – EAC website


East Ayrshire Council have developed a dedicated Wellbeing Website at which is filled with advice on mental wellbeing, exercise, healthy eating and new activities to try. It also has a range of supports for those who may be struggling. There is a dedicated section for Children, Young People, Parents and Carers which I hope you will find particularly helpful during these challenging times. We will continue to add to this section therefore it would be helpful if you could email any suggestions to together with any feedback on the current content.

Thank you.  Nicola Stewart, Principal Educational Psychologist for East Ayrshire Council



P7 Transition Meeting with The Robert Burns Academy staff

Good Morning!

If you have already accessed the P7 Transition team, you may have noticed a message from Miss Naismith. Miss Naismith and Mr Kyle from The Robert Burns Academy are holding an online transition meeting for the P7 pupils. This meeting will take place on Tuesday 9th June at 11 am. This is a fantastic opportunity for our current Primary 7 children to ask any questions that they may have about starting at the academy in August.

To join the meeting you will need to access Microsoft Teams. I have included some help sheets to help you get set up on Microsoft Teams.

If you are using a laptop or computer:

If you are using an iPad, tablet or phone:

If you need any help just drop me an email. My email is

Miss Burleigh



Good morning Catrine Primary and welcome to sports day!!!! 

I hope you are all ready to get stuck into the sports day activities today. Make sure and check the individual class pages for more details about your race and challenge!

All the staff at Catrine have been up SUPER early this morning to complete our relay race and let me tell you, you’re in for a treat!


Now it’s over to you……

Family Race
Wheelbarrow Race
Measure out 5 metres, find a partner and complete 3 laps.

3 Legged Race  
Measure out 5 metres. Find a partner, tie your legs together, and complete 5 laps.

Family Challenge
Tug of War
Measure out 5 metres and mark the half way point. Find your team and PULL. You can use a dressing gown tie, scarf, skipping rope or anything that you can pull. The winner is best of three!

Good luck!

Remember to take as many pictures as possible and update your Blog with your results. We are so looking forward to seeing all your sports day posts! 🙂

Over and Out,

Headteacher’s Challenge #22

Good morning and welcome to Health Week Thursday 🙂

It’s been brilliant to read your posts about all the activities you’ve got up to at home during our Health Week – so far we’ve had Mindfulness Monday, Tik Tok Tuesday and Walking Wednesday.  I can’t wait to hear about your adventures over the next two days, and I’m so excited for Sports Day!

Today’s challenge is a singing one.  We sing this all the time at school so make sure you belt it out, especially the whistling at the end 🙂

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x

P7 Transition meeting on Teams

Well done to those of you who have managed to get set up on Teams and have left Miss Burleigh and I a message.

A reminder that I will be hosting a meeting for P7 pupils tomorrow at 11am.  This is a chance for you to get set up on Teams and have a practise before speaking to staff from Robert Burns Academy.  Please see the post below to see how to set up Teams on your computer, phone or tablet.  Remember you can email myself or Miss Burleigh for any help.

I look forward to speaking to you tomorrow.

Mrs Schendel

Walking Wednesday

Today is all about walking. You can get your steps in by playing out in the garden, helping around the house or arranging a a walk with your family. We would love to see some photographs from your walk. You can do this by updating your Glow blog.


A reminder that Sports Day is this Friday! We hope to see you all participating in the activities and joining in on the fitness fun 😀 


P7 Transition meeting on Teams

Mrs McPheator and Mr Tickner from the academy would like to set up a transition meeting for the P7 pupils.  This would give pupils an opportunity to ask any questions they may have about starting Robert Burns Academy in August and for staff to pass on any information.

To do this the staff would like to use Teams.  Some of you may not have used Teams yet so Miss Burleigh has kindly made some help sheets for you.

If you are using a computer/laptop:

If you are using a phone, iPad or tablet:


If you have any difficulties please email myself ( or Miss Burleigh ( and we will help out any way we can.

Miss Burleigh has left you a message on the team.  Please reply and let us know when you have accessed it.

We will set up a meeting for Thursday at 11am to give you a chance to practise.  Look for a message about this on the Team and in your emails and try to join in.  This will let you know if you can work it ok before you meet with Mr Tickner and Mrs McPheator.

Good luck!

Mrs Schendel



Headteacher’s Challenge #21

Good morning and Happy Health Week 🙂

Another glorious weekend in the sunshine – and what a great way to start our Health Week.  Staff in both the PS and ECC have great activities planned for you all every day and we look forward to hearing about your health adventures throughout the week.

Today’s challenge is another food one …

Try to think of a fruit or vegetable for every letter of your name. I’ve managed most of my name but I’m stuck on letter V!  Answers would be appreciated!

M – mushrooms

R – radishes

S – strawberries

G – grapes

O – oranges

V – ????

A – apples

N – nectarines

S – spring onion

You can’t use the same fruit or vegetable twice, and if you’ve got a short name try to do your surname too.  During last week’s food tasting challenge we discovered that Eli likes beetroot, and that I like grapefruit but not pineapple 🙁

Wishing you all a brilliant Health Week and looking forward to our Sports Day on Friday 5th June – how I wish we were all together down at Riverside Park cheering on our pupils during their races!

As always, stay safe, take care and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x

Health and Wellbeing Week

Health Week

1st June – 5th June 

Next week is Health Week at Catrine Primary. Your teachers have been working hard to create activities and challenges that have a health and wellbeing focus. We would love for you all to participate in these activities and share your learning on your Glow blog.

Sports Day

Friday 5th June

On Friday 5th,  we are going to be holding a virtual sports day. Each class will have their own set of races and challenges and we would love for you all to take part. There will be family events, pupil events and of course a staff event. So keep your eyes peeled for that!

I have listed the races and challenges that you will all be involved in down below to give you a chance to organise some of the materials that you might need (and maybe have a cheeky practice – I won’t tell anyone). Your class teacher will provide you with more details of your races, on the individual class pages. The races are slightly different to what you are used to. We have had to think of alternative ways to do the races in our garden. They are much more exciting and we know that you will have such a fun time participating in the races!

Races and Challenges

Primary 1

Race - Egg and spoon race (using an egg or a potato)

Challenge - 1 minute to do as many hops as possible 

Primary 2

Race - Bean bag race (balancing a teddy on your head)

Challenge - 1 minute to do as many star jumps as possible

Primary 3/4

Race - Hopping and jumping race (hopping forward and jumping back)

Challenge - 30 seconds to do as many speed bounces as possible  (jumping over towel)

Primary 4/5

Race - Sac race (using  a pillowcase)

Challenge - 1 minute to do as many burpees as possible 

Primary 5/6

Race - Hurdles race (using books, boxes and family members)

Challenge - How long can you hold a plank?

Primary 7

Race - Obstacle race (over, under, round garden objects) 

Challenge - 1 minute to as many speed bounces as possible (jumping over towel)

Family Event

Race - wheelbarrow race or 3 legged race 

Challenge - Tug of war (using dressing gown or scarf or something similar)

We hope to see as many of you as possible taking part in our virtual sports day. We can’t wait to see your Blog posts with pictures of you participating! Don’t forget, more details will be posted on the class pages on race day. Good luck everyone – time to get practicing…

Headteacher’s Challenge #20

Good morning to another glorious Thursday morning 🙂

Your teachers are all loving their phone calls to their pupils that they’ve made so far – they’re so pleased to hear about your lockdown adventures and stories.  If your teacher hasn’t phoned you yet – don’t worry!  They’ll be phoning over the next few days and possibly into next week as they’re blethering so much that the phone calls are taking much longer than anticipated!

Back in April I gave you a Food Tasting Challenge, and I received so many brilliant success stories about foods that you now like that I’m challenging you again – but with a twist.

Today’s Challenge is a Fruit/Vegetable Food Challenge. 

My oldest son has discovered that he now likes strawberries … after years of being offered strawberries and turning his nose up at them, they are now his most favourite food in the world!

There are so many delicious fruits and vegetables in the shops right now that I challenge you to try 3 new food items that you’ve always thought you never liked, or just haven’t tasted before.  Remember to let me know if you find a new favourite fruit or vegetable.  I’m going to try pineapple, grapefruit and courgettes – I’ll let you know how I get on …

Tuesday’s Tower Challenge was a big hit – I’ve received so many brilliant photos of the most creative towers.  Well done to everyone who completed the challenge, including Jayden who was thinking outside the box by using a large laundry basket as his base item!

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x

Headteacher’s Challenge #19

Good morning Tuesday 🙂

I hope you all enjoyed a lovely relaxing long weekend with your family.  I went a HUGE walk with my husband, sons and dogs and my legs are still aching …

Thanks to everyone who took part in the Animal Quiz – I’d love to hear who the winner was in your family.  Kay-Cee was her family’s winner with a brilliant score of 17/20 – great stuff!

I was tidying out my youngest son’s bedroom (AGAIN!) at the weekend and I asked him to tidy up his book shelf.  He proceeded to build a huge tower of books on the floor, and then added other items to the books to see if he could make the tower taller than himself – he did manage and then he had an even bigger mess to tidy up once he knocked the tower of books, Top Trumps cards and PS4 games over!

So today’s challenge is a Construction one – try to build a tower that is taller than yourself BUT you can’t use all the same objects!  For instance, you can’t just build a tower from Lego/Jenga blocks/storage boxes … that would be too easy.  You can only use three of the same items so you’ll need to get VERY creative and think about a wide range of items that you could use to build your tower that will safely stack on top of each other.  The taller you are – the harder the challenge!  I look forward to seeing the photographic evidence that you completed the challenge…

Also, I’ve got a wee surprise for you!  Your teachers are going to be phoning you this week for a chat – they can’t wait to speak to you and hear what you’ve been up to during this time away from school.  I know it’s exciting when someone phones you so you could maybe make a list of all that you’ve been doing so that you’re organised for when your teacher phones you.

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x