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EAC – Facilities Management

Over the October school break we will be providing a packed lunch service to those pupils entitled to Free School Meals.

The following locations will be open to allow parents to pick up lunch for their child and available to collect between 1000-1200 Monday to Friday during the October weeks holidays.

We would ask that you maintain social distancing rules and catering staff will be available for assistance.  

New Cumnock PS rear door to Kitchen  

Auchinleck Academy rear door to Kitchen

Netherthird ECC rear kitchen door

Bellsbank rear door to kitchen

Galston  dining room side door 

Shortlees  Knockmarloch Road entrance

Whatriggs kitchen door main walkway 

Onthank    rear kitchen door

Kilmaurs lunch club kitchen door    

Balmoral Road   side door rear of building.

For any enquiries can you please email the catering support e mail on:



Mark Hunter

Service Manager – Food and Catering


Harvest Hush-In

To help raise money for school funds, we are hosting a Sponsored Silence on Wednesday 7th October.

P1, P2 and P3 pupils will aim for 30 minutes silence, with P4 to P7 pupils trying to be quiet for 45 minutes!

The Harvest Hush-In will take place in class, between 1.00pm and 2.00pm. The pupils will read books and complete activities related to reading. Each class has a class library so there is a wide range of books available.

Our School Fund is well used throughout the year to buy resources and fund trips for all pupils.

As we are a cashless school, donations for the Harvest Hush-In should be made on ParentPay. When you log into your ParentPay account, you will see a Harvest Hush-In notification (this means that we don’t need individual sponsor sheets). You can donate as much as you like, with a minimum donation of £1.00.

Please do not send cash into the school.

Please contact the school if you would like any more information, and thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Govans

Parents Meetings – October 2020

We normally hold one of our two annual Parents/Carers Evenings in October of every school year, but due to current circumstances we are having to change things a wee bit. We feel it’s really important that we have the chance to speak to all of our parents/carers to let you know how your child is settling in to their new class and routine.

On Wednesday 7th October staff will be able to phone our parents/carers for a chat, with each slot lasting 10 minutes. Parents/carers should phone the school office on 01290 551436 to ‘book’ their time slot. We will also be asking which phone number you would like your child’s teacher to phone you on to ensure that we get through.

Appointments will be available every 10 minutes from 3.30pm to 5.20pm, and then from 6.00pm to 7.50pm. Please ensure that you have your phone switched on, and note that the teacher’s call will display as ‘NO Caller ID’.

Our teachers are looking forward to speaking with you, and updating you about what your child is focusing on in class and how they are progressing with their learning.

To help us with moving forward a questionnaire has been put on GLOW yesterday to find out your views about our return to school – it would be much appreciated if you could take the time to let us know how you feel things are going.

Thank you.

Mrs Govans

School Value: Determination

School Values

In our classes we are continuing to focus on our School Values, and have started to create the loveliest displays highlighting how we show these Values in our daily school life.

This week we discussed our School Value of Determination and how it applies to us in Catrine PS. Please look at your child’s class blog to see their definitions of Determination.

Next week we are focusing on our School Value of Teamwork.

Mrs Govans

Fiona McKinnon is “retiring” from Catrine Parent Council after many, many years of invaluable hard work and support. Fiona has served as a parent member and also as Secretary over the years. Fiona has worked tirelessly to support the school with Fundraising expertise, organising Family Fun Nights, taking part in school fayre raffles/stalls, school discos – the list is endless! Fiona will be undoubtedly missed! A huge THANK YOU from all the staff and pupils of Catrine Primary School.

School Values

In our classes we are focusing on our School Values, and creating a display highlighting how we show these Values in our daily school life.  Last week we discussed our School Value of Respect and how it applies to us in Catrine PS. Please look at your child’s class blog to see their definitions of Respect.

Next week we are focusing on our School Value of Determination.

Mrs Govans

New Class Blogs @ Catrine PS

We love sharing our learning, and in the past have posted class updates and highlights on our main GLOW blog page.  To ensure that we don’t run out of space on our blog again, each class now has their own Class Blog.  When you go onto our main page you will see a tab titled ‘Primary School Classes’.  When you click on your child’s class, it will take you to their Class Blog page where you will find tabs on Class Information, Home Learning and Class Learning.

The Class Information section will contain details about PE days and any upcoming events and dates for the diary.  The calendar at the side of the page also contains details on any highlighted dates.

The Home Learning section will contain any suggestions for home learning activities and homework details.  We are currently updating our homework policy in line with national guidelines and will keep you informed about any changes so we won’t be issuing homework for the next few weeks as our pupils settle back into their classroom routines.

The Class Learning section will keep you updated about what your child is learning about in their class.  It’s where we’ll put photos and blog posts from both the teacher and the pupils.

Please note that we can only share photos of pupils who have a completed Photographic Consent Form for this session – currently only 60% of our pupils have had this form completed for them.  The form is on GLOW – please contact the school office for any further details.

Our school GLOW blog and our school APP are our main ways on communicating with parents/carers, so check them regularly as we are trying to reduce the amount of paper information that we are sending home.  Thanks for your continued support.

Mrs Govans


PE Timetable

Each class will be participating in PE sessions outdoors over the next few weeks, in line with national guidelines.  On your child’s PE days, they should come to school wearing their school uniform on top (poloshirt/sweatshirt/blouses/cardigans) and suitable leggings/trackies, trainers and jackets so that they can take a full part in our active PE sessions in our playgrounds.

Any changes to class PE days will be highlighted on the class blogs.

PE timetable 2020