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Welcome Back

Good morning and welcome to Term 4!

I hope you have all managed to enjoy your Easter Holidays.  Despite staying at home I have had a lovely time with family, enjoying the sunshine.  We’ve used our one exercise time a day to go walks and rides on our bikes and I am discovering new areas of our beautiful countryside.   I am keeping in touch with my mum and other family members through social media and we have set up a Bingo game every Sunday night.  We even managed to have an extended family Easter Egg Decorating Competition over social media (and we ate our boiled eggs for lunch the next day so that they didn’t go to waste).

Last week Mrs Govans and I phoned all our parents and it was great catching up with everyone and hearing how you are all getting on.  I even managed to speak to some of the pupils which was lovely.

Today would have been the beginning of term 4 and many of you will be getting back into the routine of doing some school work.  Remember to try and continue to log in to ReadingWise, Sumdog and ActiveLearn.  Your teachers (and me!) can look on these sites and see what you are doing and will be setting specific challenges for you.  You can also click on your class tab at the top of this page and your teachers will be continuing to set challenges on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Remember these will also be on this new Glow page. Mrs Govans will continue to set you a challenge on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We love seeing what you are getting up to so remember to post on your personal Glow page or email us with pictures or descriptions of what you are doing.  We want to keep in touch as we are missing you all very much.  My email address is

It looks like the sun will be shining again this week so enjoy being outdoors when you can.

Stay safe!

Mrs Schendel



Headteacher’s Challenge #8

Good morning and welcome to a beautiful Thursday 🙂

Mrs Schendel and I have been phoning all of our parents/carers this week and we’ve both enjoyed having a wee blether with all of our families – and even some of our pupils, which was just lovely.  If you receive a call with ‘NO Caller ID’ – please answer as it might be Mrs Schendel or I just phoning to have a wee check-in chat.

I’m planning to go on a bike run today with my boys – it’s been quite a while since I was last on a bike so wish me luck …

Today’s challenge is another practical one – it’s to learn a new skill in the kitchen.  Every one is having to help out more around the house so it’s important that we take on new responsibilities, whatever our age.

Your new kitchen skill could be buttering your own toast, putting your milk in your cereal independently, making a cup of tea for your family, washing the dishes, stacking or emptying the dishwasher, peeling potatoes, boiling an egg … the list is endless!

Safety first – talk through what your new responsibility in the kitchen could be with your family members, as they know what jobs are suitable for you. Let them show you how to do the job properly and help you out the first few times, and then it’s over to you.

I’m sure lots of you are already great helpers in the kitchen so this is a chance to be set a new challenge and try something different.

I’m off to enjoy my breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast – prepared for me by Charlie, aged 11 🙂

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.

Mrs Govans x  

Headteacher’s Challenge #7

Good morning and welcome to the second week of our Easter holidays.  I hope you all had a lovely weekend, eating chocolate in the glorious sunshine.

Today’s challenge is based around one of our Outdoor Learning Day activities.  It’s called Big Art Outdoors – I’m challenging you to create a piece of art without using any typical art supplies like paints, colouring pens, pencils or chalk.

Instead, you’ve to use outdoor materials like stones, twigs, leaves, flowers, weeds – anything you can find in your garden  – and use it to make a picture.  You can be very creative and also use bits of string, cloth and wood to help make your masterpiece.

Two of our Houses have enjoyed this task during our Outdoor Learning Days in September and October last year, and I know that lots of you have tried this activity with your teachers outside in our playground too.

So, get everyone in your house involved and I look forward to seeing some of your fantastic creations on your blogs.  Remember to keep posting your photos to show off your work!

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.

Mrs Govans x

(Easter fun at Mrs McKenna’s house)

Headteacher’s Challenge #6

Good morning  and welcome to Thursday 🙂

The weather this week has been just gorgeous and I’ve enjoyed spending time out in the garden reading my book, and watching my husband work his way through the list of jobs I’ve helpfully written for him …  it’s all about the teamwork!

Today’s challenge is totally stolen from Miss McLean in P2.  She encouraged her class to create a ‘Wishlist Jar’ and I’d like to borrow her idea and suggest that we all create our own version.

The idea is that when you think of an activity or event that you can’t do right now due to the restrictions in place, write it down on a wee piece of paper and pop it into your Wishlist Jar.  Then, when we’re all back to normal go through your wishes and make them happen.

Your wishes can include – sleepovers with family or friends, picnics up the water, days at the beach, trips to the swimming pool, baking with your gran, going a walk with your papa, going to the pictures with your cousins … the list is endless.

So, find a jar or tub with a lid (I’ve washed out a beetroot jar) and then make a fancy label for it.  All of the people in your house can add their wishes and it’s something to look forward to.

Have a lovely Easter weekend, and, as always, stay safe, take care and keep in touch.

Mrs Govans x

Glow update

As Catrine Primary School is so blogtastic we were running out of space on our Glow usage site so we’ve had to create a new site so we could continue sharing the news, achievements and online learning at Catrine Primary School. You will appreciate that these changes will take time especially in the current circumstances – so please be patient.

We would welcome your feedback/suggestion about what information you would like to see on this site.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Govans