Category Archives: Uncategorized

House Challenges

Our House Captains and Vice Captains have been busy organising House Challenges for all pupils to take part in this term. The first House Challenge will take place on Friday afternoon. All pupils from P1-7 will be colouring/making a poppy picture to take home and display in their window for Remembrance Sunday. This is to remember all of the soldiers who have fought in wars to keep us safe. It would be great to see some photos of the poppies displayed in your windows. Pupils can post a picture on their Glow blog or send an e-mail to their class teacher. We look forward to them!

Mrs McKenna

Poppy Appeal

Our class will be selling poppies this week in the lead up to Remembrance Sunday as part of The Scottish Poppy Appeal. Poppies will be sold for a minimum donation of £1.

All donations will be collected through Parent Pay. The money raised will be going to Poppy Scotland.

Thank you for your support.

By Daryl, Abbie , Lucy and Neve


Prolific Poppies: Our Flickr Group Picture of the Week

Victorian Day – Wednesday 4th November

As you know P5/6 has been learning all about the Victorian era and as part of our learning we explored what school life was like. To help us finish off our topic we are going to host a ‘Victorian School Day’.

The day will consist of lessons that were traditionally taught during the Victorian school day such as reading, writing and arithmetic as well as drill, hand inspections and bible study and prayer.

It is our hope that everyone will dress up for the day in keeping with our theme but please remember that the day is not intended to cost you any money so please reuse and recycle items you have or can borrow to create your child’s costume. Children can choose if they wish to dress as a poor or rich child or perhaps as a chimney sweep or farm hand – there are so many options.

Thank you for your support in making our topic come alive by supporting our Victorian School Day.

Many thanks

Mrs McCaig

School Streets – road safety consultation for Catrine PS

Please see below for information from Kerr Chalmers, Traffic and Road Safety Manager for Ayrshire Roads Alliance.

‘We received 94 comments from our initial consultation on proposals for temporary measures to improve physical distancing at or near school entrances at eight schools in East Ayrshire.

A School Street is a road which is closed to all vehicular traffic at school start and finish times. The restriction would not apply to permit holders or blue badge holders, and residents of the street would be contacted directly and issued with free permits as the schemes are developed. The trials will be monitored and if schemes prove to be successful then we would like then to consider introducing permanent schemes.

We are now asking for feedback on the four schools where the initial trials of the proposals are planned to be undertaken. The schools are:

  • Auchinleck Primary School and Early Childhood Centre
  • Catrine Primary School
  • Crosshouse Primary School and Early Childhood Centre
  • St Sophia’s Primary School

We have prepared Plans, FAQs and Benefits of School Streets information pack – we hope these will answer many of the general queries raised about School Streets projects.

We are keen to receive as much feedback on our proposals as possible. I would be grateful therefore if you could share these links as widely as possible and encourage people to complete the online survey.  I am issuing a similar email to the Parent Council Chairs at the four schools.’

Please click on the highlighted link above for further information and a chance to comment on their proposals.  Thank you.

School Value: Responsibility

This week we have been focusing on our School Value of Responsibility.  Please go to your child’s class blog to see what Responsibility means to them.  Each class is also creating a fantastic School Values display – we’ll make sure to share them with you when they’re complete.

Next week’s School Value is Ambition.

We’ve had a brilliant day in school today celebrating Hallowe’en.  Lots of creative costumes were on display, and each pupil decorated a mask and took part in our whole school Hallowe’en Parade (outside in the playground).  This afternoon was noisy and energetic as each class held their own party, with Hallowe’en games and activities.  A great way to start the weekend!

Have a brilliant Hallowe’en weekend.    Mrs Govans 🙂

What a great start we’ve had to Term 2. Our pupils have returned so confidently and have settled back into their class, playground and lunch routines easily.  We welcome back Miss Harrigan, COVID Recovery teacher, who will be working with both P2 and P3 this term.  Thanks to everyone for your enthusiastic support of our homework plans in each class.

As always, please get in touch via phone or email with any issues or concerns – we miss being able to welcome parents/carers into the school for Open Mornings/Afternoons and the teachers really enjoyed chatting with you during our recent Parent/Teacher phone calls before the October break.

Mrs Govans

Homework and Home Learning Packs

This week your child will be issued with a Home Learning Toolkit for you to keep at home.  These kits contain lots of materials to allow your child to complete homework tasks set by their class teachers.  We hope you and your child will enjoy using them.  The toolkit includes pencils, rulers, colouring pencils and much, much more.  Please encourage your child to look after all the materials and put everything back together in the bags once they have completed their tasks.

Teachers will begin issuing homework tasks this week.  Every class will be slightly different and teachers will post the tasks on the individual class blogs.  Due to current Covid-19 restrictions we are unable to have jotters or completed work coming back and forward to school, however the teachers are very keen to see what you and your child are doing at home.  You can share pictures or tell us what you have been doing  through GLOW, either by emailing the class teacher or posting on your child’s individual GLOW blog. Step by step instructions on how to post on your child’s glow page will be in the toolkit.

We will also be posting ideas every week on how to engage your child with different spelling strategies.  These link to the Active Literacy Programme we use in school.  Look out for ‘syllabification’ this week.

Homework reinforces the learning taking place in class and allows you to share in this with your child.   We understand children are tired after a full day at school so try to spend only short periods of time a few nights a week completing the tasks with your child.

If you have any questions regarding homework or accessing GLOW please email me at:

Have fun

Mrs Schendel



Harvest Hush-In

What a lovely quiet afternoon we enjoyed at Catrine PS on Wednesday afternoon, with all of our pupils taking part in our Harvest Hush-In Sponsored Silence.  The children (and the staff!) enjoyed the quiet time to colour in, play games, do jigsaws, read books …. It was wonderful!

Thanks to everyone who has donated via ParentPay – the total of £204.50 has been raised for our School Funds.  Thanks for your continued support. 

Mrs Govans

Parent/Teachers Phone Calls

Our teachers thoroughly enjoyed talking to the majority of our parents/carers yesterday afternoon and evening on the phone.  They really enjoyed being able to let parents/carers know how well their child has settled back in to school, and about the progress they are making in their new class.  It was also an opportunity to discuss targets for next term and for parents/carers to ask any questions they might have about school during these unusual times.  Overall, it was just great to have a blether about our lovely Catrine pupils!

Please see below for participation figures for each class …..

Parents’ Day/Night uptake data