All posts by Mrs Schendel

Meeting our buddies

Our Primary 6 pupils were so excited to visit the ECC on Friday and meet their buddies for the first time.

They were super role models and we were so proud of  the way they took their responsibilities so seriously and interacted beautifully with the children.  They are going to make excellent buddies!

Here are some of our photos. A few of the ECC children were absent but we will hopefully meet up with them on our next visit down on the 6th March.



Family Ceilidh

What a fantastic night we had last night at our family ceilidh!

A huge thank you to all our parents and careers who came along and participated so enthusiastically in every one of our dances. What a wonderful family atmosphere!

We were so proud of our pupils who showed off all the skills they have been learning in their PE classes over the past few weeks.


Family Ceilidh – Tuesday 7th February

As part of our whole school Scotland topic we are holding a family Ceilidh in the school hall on Tuesday 7th February at 6.30pm to 8.00pm.

We are delighted to have a live band who will guide us through all the dances and keep us entertained.

This event is free and light refreshments will be provided.

Children must be accompanied by an adult. To give us an idea of numbers, please complete the form below.

Family Ceilidh

Not essential, but if you wish, wear some tartan, and wear your dancing shoes.

Be bright be seen day – Friday 25th November

Next Friday is be bright be seen day . With the dark mornings and dark nights we need to remember cars can’t always see us when we cross the road.

Next Friday pupils can come to school wearing bright clothes or with something bright in their hair, on their jacket or on their bag. Or pupils can just dress down.

The junior road safety officers will organise some activities for everyone.
by Connor &Caleb

Maths Family Learning

It was lovely to see so many of you at the Maths Family After School club on Tuesday. We were so busy we forgot to take photos!  We took some time to work on our scrapbooks together and then some of our amazing pupils demonstrated a few of the addition methods we use in school.

Following a request, we will look at multiplication and the resources and methods we use in school at the next session.

Please remember these are drop in sessions so if you didn’t manage along  last week you are very welcome to join us on Tuesday 8th November at 3pm.

All pupils must be accompanied by an adult. Please collect your child as normal after school and then come to the main doors.

Please click on the Maths Family Learning tab above for  more information on supporting your child at home with maths.

Mrs Schendel


Junior Road Safety Officers

Yesterday we went to Troon and learned about road safety and trained to be Road Safety Officers.  We drew a poster all about road safety, we played a board game, we acted out what might happen if we don’t pay attention when we cross the road.  We spoke about being safe on the roads.

It was fun and we can’t wait to be your Road Safety Officers.

Caleb Gilmour and Connor Brown


Maths Family Learning After School Club

Mrs Schendel and Miss McLean will be running a Maths Family Learning Club in the school every Tuesday in November from 3pm – 4pm.

This club is open to all pupils across the school who must be accompanied by an adult.  

The aim of the club is to support children and families with all aspects of maths.  You will have an opportunity to work together on our maths scrapbook activities, to  ask questions about the maths work that takes place in the school and try out some of the resources and methods we use in the classroom.

These are drop in sessions.   There is no need to book a place or attend every week.

Our first session will be on Tuesday 1st November.  Please collect or meet your child as normal at the school gates then come to the main entrance.

Please contact Mrs Schendel if you have any enquiries.


Maths Open Morning

We were so delighted today to finally open our doors and welcome our pupils’ families back in to our school!

It was amazing (and quite emotional) to see so many of you this morning and the staff and children were so proud to show off all the fantastic work that takes place in our classrooms.

A huge well done to our superstars Ellie and Hannah who stood up and demonstrated their maths skills, they were outstanding.

Thank you so much for your feedback. We will look through these and look at ways at continuing  to support pupils and families with maths. Look out for future posts on how we have responded to your suggestions.

Thank you so much once again, we really loved having you all back!

Mrs Schendel

Maths Week Scotland

This week is Maths Week Scotland and we are looking forward to taking part in lots of activities throughout the week.

Following on from the success of last  year, we are relaunching our National Numeracy’s Family Maths scrapbooks and activities. These are activities that help children and families to explore everyday maths at home together. They link the maths that children are learning at school with life outside the classroom.

To help you and your child complete these activities every pupil will bring home a toolkit packed full of equipment to help you get creative.

Please come along to our Maths Open Morning this Wednesday 28th at 9am for more information on supporting your child at home with maths.  You will also have the opportunity to  visit your child’s classroom and see all the amazing maths activities that take place there every day.

Have fun exploring your toolkit and I look forward to looking through the scrapbooks.

Mrs Schendel




Maths Open Morning – Wednesday 28th September 9am – 10.15am

As part of Maths Week Scotland next week we are delighted to be able to open our doors and welcome parents and carers into the school.

The main doors will open at 9.00am and a short presentation will be given in the main hall.

There is then an opportunity for you to go and join your child in their classroom and take part in their maths lesson.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 28th September at 9.00am.

Mrs Schendel



Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

What a fantastic day we have had celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee!

We had our very own live band playing this morning while we were busy decorating placemats.  A big thank you to members of the Sanquhar Silver band and friends for keeping us entertained.  The ECC joined us in marching round the playground to show off our majestic crowns and to give some very royal waves. We then finished by standing and listening to the band play the National Anthem.

Our street party lunch was so much fun! We showed off our dance moves and ate delicious party food.  A big thank you to our Catering Team once again for making our lunch so special.

Throughout the day the children took part in different activities. Make sure you have  look on the class blogs to see what they got up to.   We have just loved being able to mix classes again and see our older pupils supporting the younger ones.

A big thank you to all the staff who have worked hard to make the school look special and for organising such a fantastic day!

Have a great holiday weekend.

Mrs Schendel