All posts by Mrs McKenna

A super start to P6/7

Primary 6/7 have made a great start to the new school year! They have settled in well and adapted brilliantly after a long time off.

The pupils have worked together to create their Class Charter and have started reading the class novel ‘Wonder’. They have also been learning about the planets in the solar system as part of their ‘Space’ topic.

We have been keeping up to date with the news by watching ‘Newsround’ every morning and have been creating some super pieces of work. Take a look at some of our great displays!


Good Luck P7

The last day of term has finally arrived and all of the staff at Catrine Primary would like to wish our P7 pupils the best of luck as they move on to the academy in August. It is certainly not the way we had hoped the year would end! Good luck P7 and all the best as you start your next adventure at secondary school.

P7 Leavers – Class of 2020

Our P7 pupils are coming to the end of their last week at Catrine Primary. Unfortunately their last year at primary school hasn’t ended the way we had planned or hoped. I thought I would share a video of their last year at primary school and  a wee poem too. We wish the pupils all the best for moving on to the academy in August.

Class of 2020

You’ve been together for seven years,

Sharing your hopes, dreams and fears.

But in March, you were sent home to stay,

Learning online was your new school day.

You made rainbow pictures and went out to cheer,

The key workers protecting those we hold dear.

What should have been a time for celebration,

Became a time of worry and isolation.

But what we have learnt in a time like this,

Is what’s truly important and the friends we miss.

It has not been the final year we had hoped,

But we’re amazed at your strength and how well you’ve coped.

Hold on to the memories that we have shared,

Remembering friends and those who cared.

The class of 2020 will hold a place in our heart,

For the courage you’ve shown from the very start.

You have carried on regardless during this time of change,

And continued on when things were strange.

You’re moving on to somewhere new,

Filled with the confidence you need to see you through.

From everyone at the school, we wish you the best,

Smiles and hard work will be your key to success.


Mrs McKenna