All posts by Mrs Govans

End of Term 4 and school year thanks

As another successful school year draws to a close, it’s time to say Thank You to everyone at #TeamCatrine who helps to make our school run so smoothly.

Thank you to our Cleaning Supervisor, Helen, our Cleaner, Michelle, and our Janny, Mr McCreath, for making sure that our school and classrooms are clean and tidy, warm and safe for us to come into every day.

Thank you to our Catering Supervisor, Shelagh, and her kitchen staff for their lovely school lunches and for the sneaky chocolate cake that our P7 Leavers enjoyed today.

Thank you to every member of school staff – teachers and Classroom Assistants – for their professionalism, commitment and true sense of teamwork in providing excellent learning and teaching opportunities for our children.

Thank you to Mrs Robertson, Senior Clerical Assistant, for keeping the whole school organised and running like clockwork!

Thank you to Mrs Schendel, Depute Headteacher, for her tireless work ensuring all of our pupils are supported in their learning and wellbeing.

Thank you to our parents/carers, family and friends and wider Catrine community for your constant and unwavering support of all we do – it is appreciated more than you will ever know!

Last, but by no means, least – THANK YOU to our Catrine PS pupils for making us proud every single day.  Working in a primary school has its challenges, but the funny, sweet, inspirational moments that we share every day with your children make it the best job in the world.  Good luck to our P7 pupils as they move onto the Robert Burns Academy – stick in!!

Wishing you all a lovely summer. Take care, Mrs Govans x


P6 Big Sleepover

On Friday 14th June, our P6 pupils had their Big Sleepover.  They camped in the school grounds (well, on this occasion, due to the horrible wet weather, they slept in the school hall!), roasted marshmallows over a campfire in the playground and played an awesome game of staff/parents v pupils Rounders (which the adults won, of course).

Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Govans were the lucky staff who stayed all night, with Miss Burleigh, Mrs Campbell, Miss Brown and Mrs Schendel joining us for the team games and campfire.

Thanks to all the parents who joined in, thanks to Carolyn McFarlane at EAC LOST for organising it and special thanks to our P6 pupils for being awesome!  It was a brilliant night of giggles, midnight snacks, PJs in the school hall and very little sleep … 🙂


Our Prizegiving Celebrations

On Wednesday 19th June we held our annual Prizegiving Ceremony in the school, where we celebrated the wonderful achievements of our pupils throughout the last school session.

Please see our Prize-winners below.   We are so very proud of each and every one of them.

Catrine Values Winners

P1-P3 – Allan in P3  and P4-P7 – Ryan in P7

Sports Winners

Junior Sports – Coral in P5 and Leighton in P5

Senior Sports – Georgia in P7 and Ashton in P7

Winning House at Sports Day

Ayrbank with Captain Georgia

Winning House Trophy

Whiteflat with Captain Ashton

Marneil with Captain Marley

Excellence in Learning

P2 – Ellie, P3 – Braxton, P4 – Gracie-Leigh, P5 – Brooke, P6 – Ellie and P7 – Carter

Four Capacities of A Curriculum for Excellence – Class Winners

P2 – Poppy, Carson, Alfie and Nadia

P3 – Miley, Calli, Quinn and Carter

P4 – Esther, Evie, Jenna and Oscar

P5 – Noah, Jalyn, Leighton and Harry

P6 – Lenore, Lennox, Eli and Caleb

P7 – Millie, Marley, Ryan and Lexi

Individual Awards

P4 Literacy – Ashton and P7 Numeracy – Layla

Chess Champion – Josh in P7

Scots Verse Excellence – Brody in P5

Citizenship – Georgia in P7

June Home Circles @ 12.06.24

In our Home Circles on Wednesday we all focused on another article from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Article 29 states that ‘education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment’. 

In our Home Circles we had big questions to answer … 

It’s Health Week at Catrine Primary School and ECC.

What changes would make Catrine PS a healthier school?

What changes would make Catrine a healthier village? 

Take a look at our answers below.

Football Team update

Delighted to announce that Catrine PS Football Team has made it through to the  FINAL of the Dimension DMI Cup!

Having won ALL of their games in the league stage, they reached the final by beating Ochiltree PS 6-3 in the semi-final last week.

We’re facing Crosshouse PS in the final, which takes place on Wednesday 12th June at Bonnyton Thistle Football Ground, Kilmarnock, with kick-off at 4.45pm.  Entry is £5 adults and £2 children/OAPS. All welcome – would be great to have a big support for the team.

We’re all very proud of our team and their success so far, and we wish them all the luck in the world in the Final.  Come on Catrine!!

Ryan D P7 (C), Connor P7, Charlie P7, Ashton P7, Daryl H P6, Caleb C P6, Curtis P6, Brody P5 and Alfie P5



Health Week 10-14th June

The whole school is looking forward to taking part in a wide variety of activities next week during our Health Week.  Every class will be out and about each day so pupils should come to school wearing sporty clothes – trackies, leggings, shorts, hoodies and trainers – so that they can take part in all of the great sessions on offer.  No football colours or crop tops please.

(Our P7s are heading to the Robert Burns Academy on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week so they should wear their uniform on these days).

It’s our Sports Day next Friday, 14th June, at 10.30am at Riverside Park.  Pupils should wear a t-shirt of their house colour, if possible, on Friday. We’re busy practising our races and remember to wear your trainers if you’re coming along so that you can join in with the Parents Races 🙂

Fingers crossed that the June sunshine makes an appearance next week!

May Home Circles @ 16.05.24

In our Home Circles on Wednesday we all focused on another article from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Article 16 states that ‘every child has the right to privacy. The law must protect children’s privacy, family, home, communications and reputation (or good name) from any attack’.

In our Home Circles we had big questions to answer … 

What rules and procedures are in place in Catrine PS to keep pupils and staff safe?

What rules and procedures are in place at home to keep your family safe? 

Take a look at our answers below.

May Home Circles @ 01.05.24

In our Home Circles on Wednesday we all focused on another article from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Article 31 states that ‘every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities, and focus on leisure, play and culture’.

In our Home Circles we had a big question to answer … 

Why is it so important that the whole community of Catrine, people of all ages, join in with activities to help improve our village?

Take a look at our answers below.

End of Term 3

Our Parents Night last night was a brilliant way to round off Term 3.  We had an amazing turnout of 98%!!  It’s always great to be able to update you on how your child is progressing in school and also to have a chance for a wee blether.

Thank you all for coming along to look through your child’s work and have a catch-up with their teacher.

Remember we close at 2.30pm today, and I wish you all a safe, happy and healthy Easter holiday.  Take care.  Mrs Govans 🙂

The Inclusion Committee

The Inclusion Committee held their last meeting on Wednesday afternoon.  We watched a PowerPoint about ‘Everyone is special, everyone is different’ and we talked about our similarities and our differences, and the fact that everyone is allowed to like what they want.

We then split into pairs and completed a Venn Diagram about activities, having a conversation with our partner about things they like doing, things that we both like doing and things that none of us like doing!  We had to cut out and stick in lots of activities and we had great blethers while completing this task.

The Inclusion Committee has made posters for around the school to remind everyone that we are all important and that we all matter.

Check out our photos – Mrs Watt and I even sneaked in a cheeky wee selfie!   Mrs Govans 🙂


March Home Circles @ 05.03.24

In our Home Circles this morning we all focused on two articles from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Some members of our Rights Respecting Schools Committee Group talked to us about the ABCDE of Rights and explained that this is an easy way to remember why the rights are important.

We also discussed World Water Day, which happens on 22nd March every year, and is a worldwide promise to work towards everyone around the world having access to clean, safe water.

Article 24 states that ‘every child has the right to the best possible health.  Governments must provide good quality health care, clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment, and education on health and wellbeing so that children can stay healthy’.

Article 27 states that ‘every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical and social needs and support their development. Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this’.

Exciting (but sad) news for P3/4

We’re delighted – but also really sad – that Miss Caughie will be leaving us on Friday 15th March to take up a new post in a residential school in the Scottish Highlands.

Miss Caughie, along with Mrs McCaig, has been teaching our P3/4 class since August last year and has quickly become a valued member of #Team Catrine PS staff.

We wish her all the luck in the world in her new position.


Rights Respecting Schools @ February Home Circles

In our February Home Circles we highlighted Article 23 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child which states that ‘a child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and, as far as possible, independence and to play an active part in the community. ‘

Our questions were –

Why is it so important that there are special rules in place to make sure people (adults and children) with a disability are always included in our school and community?

Can you think of ways in which people with disabilities are included?

Take a look through our answers in our Home Circle jotters …

Reminder – CATRINE Values logo competition

At the beginning of this session, after consultation with pupils, staff, parents and carers, we updated our school and ECC values.

We now have our CATRINE Values –

C – Community

A – Achievement

T – Teamwork

R – Respect

I – Inclusion

N – Nurture

E – Excellence

We’re asking for your help in designing a logo which contains the words CATRINE Values and what each letter stands for.  The winning design will be made into a poster by the EAC Print Room and will be displayed around the school and incorporated into our school stationery.

We are NOT replacing our school badge – the lovely image of the Catrine Wheel will still be on our school jumpers and polo shirts; we are looking for a design for our CATRINE Values.

Logo entries are welcomed from creative folk of all ages – you can either hand in entries on paper to the main office or take photos of your design and email them to

The finished poster will be A4 size so we’re looking for a bright, colourful and clear poster which makes our CATRINE Values very easy to read and understand.

Thanks in advance for your help – I can’t wait to see your wonderful entries.  All entries to be in by Friday 26th January please.  Please contact the school for further information.  Mrs Govans


We are delighted to share the lovely news that Miss McLean is the proud mum to a beautiful baby girl called Ellis.

Ellis arrived safely on Saturday 30th December, weighing 8 lbs 4 oz and both mum and baby are doing well.  Ellis is just perfect x

We are also glad to welcome Miss Paton into P4/5 for the rest of the session as she is covering Miss McLean’s maternity leave.

Welcome to #Team Catrine, Miss Paton 🙂

Rights Respecting Schools @ January Home Circles

In our January Home Circles we highlighted Article 32 of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child which states that children and young people should not be able to work until they reach a certain age.  In Scotland, children are not allowed to do almost any kind of work until they are 13, and rules about the work that children can do remain in place until the age of 18.

Our questions were –

Why do you think there are rules in place about children working?

Why do you think these rules need to be there?

Take a look through our answers in our Home Circle jotters …