We held an assembly to present our hard work on our whole school ‘Power Down’ challenge. Power Down aims to educate pupils on sustainable energy use. We are learning about sustainable energy through monthly class challenges. We presented these during our assembly:
- October – Primary 6 investigated the pros and cons of renewable energy sources in small groups and then debated their effectiveness
- November – Primary 1 watched videos about how to save energy at school and at home. They made ‘Switch Off the Light’ cards to signpost around the school
- December – Primary 3 investigated how they could save energy at school and at home during Christmas. They referred to Windy’s energy saving tips to help
- January – Primary 2 investigated wind energy using online resources and made their own windmills
- February – Primary 4 looked at water usage and ways to save water. They created posters to share their message
- April – Primary 5 will create energy saving checklists for each class
- May – Primary 7 are going to explore green jobs in relation to their World of Work topic
This month we invited along Vicky McWilliam and Windy the Windmill to attend our assembly. As well as listening to our presentation, Vicky McWilliam also invited everyone to join in on ‘Windy’s Earth Hour’. We will complete this challenge on Friday in school where we will ‘power down’ and turn off electrical devices for an hour in a bid to save energy. We would also like to invite you at home to participate in Earth Hour sometime this weekend. Why not spend an hour playing games, going outside and having fun together!
Have fun powering down!