Catrine PS is Clean and Green!

Catrine PS is delighted to have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag award by ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’.

After an intensive audit, we were awarded our flag because

  • we have pupils from every class represented in our Eco Committee
  • we have regular whole school and community litter picks
  • our Clean Up Crews are doing a great job of improving our school playground and environment
  • we support biodiversity in our school grounds by making bird feeders and bird houses
  • we have regular clothes Swap Shops for school uniform, Hallowe’en costumes and Christmas jumpers/party clothes
  • we have Junior Road Safety Officers who regularly highlight the importance of safe parking on our School Streets areas

Our Green Flags are proudly displayed in our main playground and our main entrance, as highlighted here by Ellie, Dalton and Olly.

We have also been asked to present at the EAC Climate Conference next week at the Grange Academy – look out for an update next week.

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