Reminder – CATRINE Values logo competition

At the beginning of this session, after consultation with pupils, staff, parents and carers, we updated our school and ECC values.

We now have our CATRINE Values –

C – Community

A – Achievement

T – Teamwork

R – Respect

I – Inclusion

N – Nurture

E – Excellence

We’re asking for your help in designing a logo which contains the words CATRINE Values and what each letter stands for.  The winning design will be made into a poster by the EAC Print Room and will be displayed around the school and incorporated into our school stationery.

We are NOT replacing our school badge – the lovely image of the Catrine Wheel will still be on our school jumpers and polo shirts; we are looking for a design for our CATRINE Values.

Logo entries are welcomed from creative folk of all ages – you can either hand in entries on paper to the main office or take photos of your design and email them to

The finished poster will be A4 size so we’re looking for a bright, colourful and clear poster which makes our CATRINE Values very easy to read and understand.

Thanks in advance for your help – I can’t wait to see your wonderful entries.  All entries to be in by Friday 26th January please.  Please contact the school for further information.  Mrs Govans