End of Term 4 Thanks

As we close today for the summer holidays, there’s some special people who deserve a big THANK YOU!

Thank you to … the parents, family and friends of our  Catrine PS pupils for your constant support of everything we do.  It makes a huge difference to know we have your backing in our efforts to continuously improve the learning and teaching experiences for your children.

Thank you to … the Parent Council for giving up their own time to arrange wonderful events for our pupils, and for their advice and support in moving our school forward

Thank you to … #Team Catrine staff – our teachers, Classroom Assistants, Senior Clerical, Catering and Cleaning staff – who all work so hard to ensure Catrine PS is a supportive, nurturing, clean, safe and wonderful learning environment.  It’s truly a team effort to keep a school continuously improving and every member of staff is a vital part of our collective school group.

Thank you to … our Catrine PS pupils.  From Primary 1 to Primary 7, our pupils motivate us every day.  They are kind, smart, funny, loud, creative, clever, hardworking, noisy, friendly, messy, inventive, cheeky – all the things that happy children should be and we think the world of them.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer break.  Good luck to our P7 Leavers – reach for the stars as you start your RBA journey.

We look forward to welcoming everyone, especially our new Primary 1 pupils, on Monday 21st August.

Take care. Mrs Govans x