Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

What a fantastic day we have had celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee!

We had our very own live band playing this morning while we were busy decorating placemats.  A big thank you to members of the Sanquhar Silver band and friends for keeping us entertained.  The ECC joined us in marching round the playground to show off our majestic crowns and to give some very royal waves. We then finished by standing and listening to the band play the National Anthem.

Our street party lunch was so much fun! We showed off our dance moves and ate delicious party food.  A big thank you to our Catering Team once again for making our lunch so special.

Throughout the day the children took part in different activities. Make sure you have  look on the class blogs to see what they got up to.   We have just loved being able to mix classes again and see our older pupils supporting the younger ones.

A big thank you to all the staff who have worked hard to make the school look special and for organising such a fantastic day!

Have a great holiday weekend.

Mrs Schendel


Catrine PS Football Team

Catrine PS Football Team recently took part in the EAC Small Schools Football Festival at the Robert Burns Academy pitches.

We played 3 matches – and won all three!!  Thanks to all who came along to support the team – it was much appreciated.

Special thanks to former pupil Josh Suitters who has been coaching our team this term – he’s obviously doing a great job!

Well done to Calvin (C), Sonny, Declan, Keir, Robbie, Ryan, Bailey, Jayden, Finlay and Cooper for representing our school so well.