National Numeracy Parent Workshop

A reminder that National Numeracy are holding an online Parent Workshop tomorrow. Please see previous post for more details and do not hesitate to contact me at the school with any questions.

DATE:  Tuesday 22nd March

TIME:  1.15pm – 2.15pm


Here is the Zoom link for the session:

Meeting ID: 858 3326 4692

Passcode: 796713

I look forward to joining you for the session.

Mrs Schendel


Primary 6 have been so excited to met their new buddies from the ECC!  The children have had two sessions where they have had time to get to know their buddies and begin to prepare them for their move to the ‘big school’.

Staff have been so impressed with how Primary 6 have communicated with and cared for their buddies and you can see in the photos how much fun the children have had together.  Our ECC pupils seem very happy and confident and we look forward to more sessions ahead.


Parents Day/Evening Appointments

On Wednesday 30 March  staff will again be able to phone our parents/carers for a chat, with each slot lasting 10 minutes. Parents/carers should phone the school office on 01290 551436 to ‘book’ their time slot. We will also be asking which phone number you would like your child’s teacher to phone you on to ensure that we get through (please have this available).

Appointments will be available every 10 minutes from 3.30pm to 5.20pm, and then from 6.00pm to 7.50pm. Please ensure that you have your phone switched on, and note that the teacher’s call will display as ‘NO Caller ID’.

Our teachers are looking forward to speaking with you, and updating you about what your child is focusing on in class and how they are progressing with their learning in Term 3.

Thank you

Mrs Govans