Important Update

School changes from Wednesday 16th February

We are delighted that due to updated Scottish Government Guidelines we are able to make the following changes from Wednesday 16th February:

  • Start and finish times: we no longer need to have staggered start and finish times so all pupils from Primary 1 – Primary 7 will start at 9.00 a.m. and finish at 3.00 p.m. This means classes will always try to leave in the same order starting from Primary 1, working up to Primary 6/7. With all classes leaving at 3.00 p.m. we ask that all parents continue to wait outside school gates and step forward when their child’s class is being dismissed.
  • School Streets: We continue to be a proud “School Streets” school and would remind parents/carers of the parking limitations and restricted times around the school and ECC to ensure the safety of all of our children.
  • Playgrounds: Our pupils no longer need to stay in stage bubbles so we are looking forward to them playing together across all stages in all areas of the playground.
  • Indoor P.E.: All classes will start weekly indoor P.E. sessions so we would ask that you send in a P.E. kit for your child (e.g., shorts, trainers in a kit bag that can be left in school). Please check your child’s class blog for their P.E. days.
  • School Lunches: All pupils in Primary 1 – Primary 7 will now eat their school lunch in our dinner hall. Primary 1 and Primary 2 packed lunches will also be in the dinner hall with Primary 3 – Primary 7 pupils continuing to eat their packed lunch in their class.

*Please continue to observe social distancing and guidelines when dropping off/picking up your child. The continued wearing of masks would be appreciated.

To help us all get used to the above changes we kindly ask that all parents/carers avoid crowing around the school gates.

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