Changes to school entrance/exit from Tuesday 4th May

We are delighted that some improvements are going to be taking place around our school and playground over the next month and we’ll have to make some changes to ensure our pupil safety during the course of the works.

From Tuesday 4th May the main pupil gate and stairs will be closed for one week for refurbishment.

At 9.00/9.10am pupils should enter via the infant gate in the infant playground and go to their usual playground area.  We would ask that pupils avoid coming to school too early to help with our playground arrangements.

At 3.00/3/.10pm all pupils will leave school via the infant gate in the infant playground. To avoid congestion the classes will leave in the same order every day so that our younger pupils can be collected safely.

3.00pm – Primary 1/2 then Primary 3 then Primary 5/6
3.10pm – Primary 2 then Primary 4/5 then Primary 6/7

Staff will be in the playground at all times to ensure that all pupils enter and exit the school safely.  We’ll let you know when the work has finished and we can start using the main pupil gate again.

Please phone the school for any further information and thanks for your continued support.  Remember Monday is a holiday and the PS and ECC are closed on Thursday 6th May.

Have a great long weekend.  Mrs Govans