P7 Fundraising

Primary 7 is continuing to raise funds for their leavers hoodies.

We are running a competition to guess how many eggs are in the jar. Each guess costs £1 which is payable through ParentPay. The closest wins the jar with the winner being announced next Thursday 1st April.


We are also having a dress down day next Thursday 1st April. Pupils can dress down for a donation of £1 also paid through ParentPay.

Primary 7 would like to thank you for your continued support.

Hollie and Demi

Active Schools Spring into Sport

Please see  poster below for further information of Active Schools outdoors Easter holiday sessions. Booking is essential via the Smart survey link below. Please do one form per child.





Once you have filled in the smart survey that confirms your child’s place. If the smart survey is closed it unfortunately means all places are taken.


Parent Email addresses

East Ayrshire Council require all seemis (school information system) records to be up to date due to Track and Trace regulations. Therefore, it is imperative the school information system has all parents/carers email addresses. Please complete the form below as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Active Schools

We’re delighted that Barry Holmes, our Active Schools Coordinator, is coming to school to work with us next week.  In line with all current H&S guidelines, Barry will be working with every class outdoors on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  P1/2 and P2 will play fun games, P3 and P4/5 will focus on Team Building exercises and P5/6 and P6/7 will complete their Leadership course that was started in Term 1. Each class will use their own PE equipment and all appropriate precautions will be taken.

As all of these sessions will take place outdoors all pupils should come to school next week wearing their school uniform up top (polo shirts and sweatshirts) and trackies/leggings and trainers so that they can take a full part in Barry’s activities.


Welcome back!

What a brilliant day we’ve had at Catrine Primary, with all of our pupils in Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 returning to their classes.  Our playground has been full of children playing together, with some pupils seeing their pals for the first time since December!  We are so proud of the way the children of Catrine have coped during this last lockdown, and we are very grateful to the help and support that friends and family provided with their home learning.

It’s just great to have our pupils back where they belong!

Mrs Govans


Return to school – information for Monday 15th March

We are delighted to be welcoming our Primary 4-7 pupils back to school full time from Monday 15th March.  To ensure the health and safety of all pupils and staff the following arrangements will be in place –

  • We will continue with our staggered start and finish times for all classes, with P1/2, P3 and P5/6 starting at 9.00am and finishing at 3.00pm and P2, P4/5 and P6/7 starting at 9.10am and finishing at 3.10pm.
  • Supervision will be provided in the playground from 8.45am each morning, in line with EAC guidelines, so it would be appreciated if pupils didn’t arrive before this time, especially pupils who don’t start until 9.10am
  • Each class will stay within their class bubble, with our playground being split into zones for interval and lunchtime play
  • All classes will continue to eat their lunches (both school dinners and packed lunches) in their class each day.  Please ensure that you have booked your child’s school dinner in advance.
  • Pupils don’t need to bring a PE kit – classes will continue to embrace outdoor learning and teachers will inform parents/carers on their class blog of days when suitable outdoor clothing is required so please check the blog regularly
  • Pupils don’t need to bring a school bag – all resources will be provided by the school
  • Parents/carers: please be mindful of social distancing at drop-off and pick-up times and please wear a mask. 

Although we can’t wait to have all of our pupils back, we need to do so in a safe and organised manner so we appreciate your support in these matters. Please contact the school if you wish to discuss any issues further. 

Thank you. 

Mrs Govans


Return to school preparation

With our P4-P7 pupils returning to school from Monday 15th March, we are keen to check in with the parents/carers of our pupils to make sure that they’re all set to get back into the classroom.  Miss Feighan, Mrs McCaig and Mrs McKenna will be phoning over the next few days so if you receive a call from ‘NO CALLER ID’ it’s probably them looking to have a blether.

*Please note that our teachers will not be phoning the parents/carers of pupils who have accessed the school hub this term.

As always, you know I’m only a phone call or email away if you have concerns/issues that you would like to discuss.

Thank you.     

Mrs Govans


Tel.: 01290 551436   email:  judith.govans@east-ayrshire.gov.uk


Money Week

It’s Money Week at Catrine Primary School this week so our pupils, both in school and at home, will be set a whole range of tasks and activities with a money theme so be prepared for lots of questions about pounds and pence, credit and debit, budgeting and finance throughout the week!  Remember to check your child’s class GLOW blog at the end of the week to see the highlights of this week’s learning.

Mrs Govans


What a wonderful week!

P1/2, P2 and P3 have enjoyed a brilliant second week back in school – check out their class blogs to see what they have been up to, both in class and out and about in the village.  We are so proud of the enthusiastic and resilient way that our youngest pupils have come back to school.

Great news that our P4-P7 pupils will be back with us full time from Monday 15th March.  Full details for their return will be posted on our GLOW and app next week so please check them regularly for updates. We can’t wait to have all of our classes full again!

 Mrs Govans


Active Schools – survey

Active Schools and the Cumnock Juniors Community Enterprise are working in partnership to look into accessing sport and activity in the local area. They are also looking to gather information on a possible Kit Bank and how best it could be worked to the benefit of the community. Could you please spare a few minutes to complete the Smart Survey with your opinions and feedback. Much appreciated!

Barry Holmes



World Book Day

Catrine Primary School will be celebrating World Book Day tomorrow, Thursday 4 March. Our Primary 1, 2 and 3 pupils will be taking part in lots of “book” themed activities in their class and Primary 4, 5, 6, and 7 should check on their class blog to see what their teacher has in store for them.

Please note due to current restrictions Primary 1, 2 and 3 pupils are not being asked to dress-up for World Book Day this year.

Thank you.

Mrs Govans