Headteacher’s Challenge #7

Good morning and welcome to the second week of our Easter holidays.  I hope you all had a lovely weekend, eating chocolate in the glorious sunshine.

Today’s challenge is based around one of our Outdoor Learning Day activities.  It’s called Big Art Outdoors – I’m challenging you to create a piece of art without using any typical art supplies like paints, colouring pens, pencils or chalk.

Instead, you’ve to use outdoor materials like stones, twigs, leaves, flowers, weeds – anything you can find in your garden  – and use it to make a picture.  You can be very creative and also use bits of string, cloth and wood to help make your masterpiece.

Two of our Houses have enjoyed this task during our Outdoor Learning Days in September and October last year, and I know that lots of you have tried this activity with your teachers outside in our playground too.

So, get everyone in your house involved and I look forward to seeing some of your fantastic creations on your blogs.  Remember to keep posting your photos to show off your work!

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.

Mrs Govans x

(Easter fun at Mrs McKenna’s house)

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