Mental Health Week

Please have a look at the sway below to see what we have been learning in the Centre over the past fortnight about mental health.  I have linked some websites for families to enjoy together at home and attached some links for additional information. 

Go to this Sway


Musical instruments

Can you help add to our music area?  We are looking for any sort of musical instruments, (authentic or toy), that you may have and have no use for.


The children have really enjoyed performing on our new stage area. They created their own band called The Twinkle Stars and have been showing off their rock star moves.We have been listening to different styles and cultures of music.  A violinist played us some live music today here in the centre.

Does anyone have any hidden musical talents they would like to share with us?


Friendly February

We are always encouraging positive relationships and interactions within the centre.
Please have a look at our calendar for the month, where ideas are shared to promote healthy relationships.



Please share any examples that you may have of your child being kind and being a friend to others.  We can reinforce and acknowledge  these positive behaviours here in the centre.

Here, Shaun is demonstrating how to be a super kind friend, helping a peer to zip his jacket up at home time.

Wow Achievements

We have cleared our Wow Wall ready for 2022. It was full of fantastic wow moments that have been so kindly shared from home however sadly our wall is now looking a bit bare and we really want to fill it up again.  We are so proud of all the achievements that were made in 2021 and really need everyone’s help at home to start sharing more of these memorable wow moments with us in 2022.

Harry shared his memorable wow moment………..

Harry has impressed us all with his newly learned skill of……whistling!  Well done Harry, whistling is a tricky skill to master.

So please share your child’s achievements and let us share these precious moments also.  Let’s fill up this wow wall Catrine 🙂

Maths Outdoors

A super SWAY showing just how important play is to our children.

From numbers to angles,

Symmetry to time,

measurement to estimation

When people say children just play all day at nursery – we are proud of that 🙂

Go to this Sway

10th – 21st January 2022

Have a look at the link below to see what the children have been up to in the ECC over the past fortnight.

Go to this Sway


There’s that word again…….SHANARRI!

Our wellbeing indicators;









We try to make these indicators familiar to the children through a range of approaches and using various resources.  We have found a great resource that explains SHANARRI in a fun way to engage children’s interest.

At the moment we are exploring healthy and what it means to be healthy and ways in which we can do this.  We have had great fun this week investigating healthy and unhealthy foods and various forms of exercise.




The children have been exploring a range of animals that can be kept as Pets. The children have an opportunity to meet Rosie the Hamster. The Hamster will be in her cage or exercise ball at all times. Children will be supervised while in the same area as the Hamster at all times. The Hamster’s visit will prompt small group discussion and direct contact will not be encouraged.

Please click on the link and complete the Form, thank you

New Year, Healthy Start

Alongside our Healthy Superhero we will be continuing to explore healthy and unhealthy foods and what better time of the year is there to start!

We have all over indulged no doubt and it’s a good time of the year to highlight the importance of eating healthy and daily exercise and how this impacts our bodies and minds.  I have attached a couple of recipes that are easy and to show how simple changes can have a huge impact on calorie consumption and nutrition.  If anyone makes one of these snacks at home, please send us a photograph, both recipes are child friendly or perhaps you have a healthy dish you would love to share with us.

Please share any photographs of our little master chefs or recipes to your child’s learning journal.

The link below will take you to the NHS Better Health, healthier families website, filled with lots of great ideas to benefit a healthy lifestyle.  Again please share anything you try or find beneficial.  We would love to hear your thoughts, have a lovely weekend


P1 Registration to attend school, for children whose 5th birthday falls between 1 March 2022 and 28 February 2023 takes place during the week Monday 10 January 2022 until Friday 14 January 2022.

To register please complete the P1 Registration form at no later than Friday 14 January 2022.

If you are unable to register online then please phone your local school who will assist you to register your child.

To register your child you will require to upload a copy of your child’s birth certificate and two proofs of your residence in the catchment area in the form of a Council Tax Notice or Utility Bill. Should you require a copy of your child’s birth certificate for Registration, this can be obtained at

Primary 1 Enrolment 2022

P1 Registration week will take place from Monday 10 January until Friday 14 January 2022.

All applications require to be completed online at –

Any placing requests should also be completed online with a closing date for Placing Requests being Monday 31 January 2022.

If you wish any further information, please contact the primary school.

Thank you.

Change of day to Christmas Party

We have taken the decision to move our Christmas Party forward to Friday 17th December. 

Please do not send your child if they are unwell, and continue to follow government guidelines in relation to COVID-19.  

Reminder – Sickness and diarrhoea – children should not return to the ECC until 48 hours after the LAST episode of sickness or diarrhoea.

Can we also remind parents for our Movie day tomorrow (Thursday 16th December) to ensure that any pyjamas worn are warm enough for the children while in the ECC.

Thank you as always for your continued support and understanding in these times more than ever. 

Christmas at Catrine

Below is a link to some of the experiences that the children will have the opportunity of being part of during the month of December.

December 2021 Dates for your Diary

Unfortunately, due to COVID19 restrictions, we are unable to invite parents into the ECC for any Christmas activities. As much as we are sad that this is the case, we hope that you continue to understand that by following East Ayrshire Council guidelines, we are trying our best to lessen the risk of transmission to children and staff allowing us to provide a service to our families here at Catrine.

Please also note that while children CAN wear Christmas jumpers, pyjamas, head boppers etc, we ask that you remember this is NOT compulsory and do not feel you HAVE to go out and purchase items that you either do not already have or wouldn’t have planned on buying anyway. We appreciate that Christmas is an expensive time of the year and we are here to try and help, not to be part of the problem.

Please also remember that EAC has a financial inclusion team who can give support and advice to families at any time of the year. Further information can be found at

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