A Special Message

Today we had a lovely surprise from the Elves, they had a special message straight from Santa! 

It was great to see that Santa has a photograph of Catrine ECC hanging in his very own Gallery

Our special little visitors have arrived!

What a lovely surprise we got yesterday here at the ECC!  Group A had a special little visitor arrive and Group B got one too!

  He arrived with a special letter!

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Group A’s Elf is called Waffle and Group B’s Elf is called Buddy after a name vote

Elf was watching us complete our first challenge

To feed the hungry birds

Stayed tuned to find out what else our cheeky little elves get up to

With Christmas fast approaching, this year we are more aware than ever of the financial effects of the holiday season on the lives of families in our area.   Some families may feel under pressure to show their appreciation to staff in the school and ECC by buying gifts and presents.

Two years ago the BBC ran a feature about this with the simple message that thank you is enough. We want to share this message with you again this year to reassure any parents/carers that are worried about affording a gift for a teacher/staff member in the run up to the Christmas break.


So, just a reminder that a thank you or a card, and the thought behind these small gestures, is more than enough for us.

Wishing you all the best this festive season,

Judith Govans

4th blog 25/11/20

The children have been exploring a range of resources within the nursery on the lead up to nursery rhyme week.

Carter was using the cars to help paint the bus.

                                    Louie was exploring the 5 speckled frogs.

Miley helped to make popcorn.

Emily was saying the rhyme 5 Speckled frogs as she explored the tray.

Quinn was making his own speckled frog for role play.

Logan was roleplaying Humpty Dumpty with real hard boiled eggs.

Ellie was driving the bus while she was exploring The Wheels on the Bus.










Pink group – November

The children have participated in lots of activities this month that have linked with nursery rhyme week and children in need. We have also been busy doing lots of other activities – here are some of the things we have been learning.

During group time Cole has been practicing clapping out the syllables in his name. He was able to identify his name had one clap, therefore we tried to clap the syllables in  other words.

We have started to speak about the different senses we have and which part of the body we use for each sense. Harry was using his sense of sight to paint a picture of one of his friends. He could identify that we use our eyes for our sense of sight.

Olivia has been using her imagination creating her own stories with a beginning, middle and end. Olivia was able to act out the story she created using the puppets at the puppet theatre.

Katie was developing her letter formation outside using a stick to write in the mud. She chose some word cards to try and copy the letters on the card.

Callum has been practicing turn taking and working as a team with his friends. He was able to identify the shapes square, rectangle, circle and triangle when participating in the game.

Abi used her imagination to create an imaginary fire outside. She was able to recall the steps we take when using the firepit at nursery. She told her friends not to step inside the circle because the fire is hot and dangerous. She could also identify who would help if there was a real fire.

Logan has been working hard to develop his mark making skills into writing letters. He is able to copy a few letters to try and create the word on the board.



Blog 4 25th November 2020

The children have been exploring a variety of activities in the lead up to Nursery Rhyme week. They helped to create a variety of props that were used during this time.

Ayla is making 5 flies for her frog to eat.

Calli is saying the Wheels on the Bus as she explores the paint, “The wheels on the bus go round and round…”

               Ava created her own frog for the rhyme 5 Speckled Frogs,                        “I need to give it some legs”

Theia is helping her friends to create a Grandfather’s Clock.

Adam is exploring mark making by drawing around a variety of shapes – “a rectangle”.

                      Lottie is building a tower of bobbins, rhyming off  “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ” before they fell over.

                            Rhys is making his own Pudsey Bear biscuit,                                                    “I give him a smile he’s happy , just like me.”

                                  Lukas is interacting with a variety of friends                                   .

Orange Blog – 25th November

Good afternoon everyone, welcome back to the orange group blog. This blog covers the period between 11/11/20 – 25/11/20.

We have been learning a lot within the last two weeks from nursery rhymes, teachers and schools to dinosaurs! Take a look at our slideshow and see the fun and exciting things we have been doing.


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I hope you have enjoyed looking at the amazing things the orange group have been doing, we will see you next time, bye 🙂


Take Care,

Leoni x

💛25th November

From Nursery Rhyme Week to beginning to explore our senses indoors and out, we have had a busy month! The children have been singing Rhymes, making soup for the spiders, mixing up some delicious lemonade in line with beginning to explore their senses, mark making and exploring words through puzzles. They have all been involved and had great fun exploring the various experiences throughout the rooms and green space.

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Exploring Food

Over the past week, the children in Group A have enjoyed exploring fruit and vegetables whilst learning about farms, the children took an interest in where the food came from.   We used our senses to explore the food and a range of fantastic vocabulary to describe the experience.  The children enjoyed having the opportunity to cut, grate and peel their fruit and vegetables, discussing safety as we did so.

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NEW Scottish Child Payment

There is a new payment available for families who are in receipt of certain benefits or tax credits to help towards the costs of looking after a child.  It doesn’t open until Monday 15 February 2021 but applications are encouraged from now.  There is a short video clip below that will give you the information you may need


Value of the month – Fairness

Thank you to everyone who took the time at home to write down all your family comments about Fairness and what this means for you and your family.  I have collated all your comments, adults and children and we have some super ideas, well done 👏

We will be discussing fairness with the children and reinforcing what it represents throughout their day ❤️

Getting Reading for Winter

In preparation for snow and ice we have updated our premises priority clearance plan. Our Janitor will ensure that the highlighted areas are cleared on snowy and icy days to let our pupils and staff enter and exit in a safe manner.

All pupils, staff and visitors are reminded to keep to the cleared areas and be respectful of current social distancing guidelines. Please click on the PDF below for further information:

Catrine ECC PCP map (002)


Today, in Bubble B we have been celebrating Children in Need. We have been having lots of fun doing various activities. We started off our morning by listening to ‘Pudsey’s Great Fundraiser’. The children then got the opportunity to make Pudsey biscuits, headbands, masks and also decorate their own Pudsey! Not only that, we had a tuff spot where we sorted Pudsey’s spots into the correct colours. Below is a quick slideshow of just some of our amazing fun today!

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Anyone wanting to make a donation can do so at bbcchildreninnedd.co.uk as we can not accept donations this year. Hope everyone has a great weekend ♥

Children in Need 2020

In Bubble A today we have had lots of fun enjoying Children in Need Day.   We started off the day listening to an audio storybook about Pudsey before going on to make spotty pictures, ice and decorate Pudsey biscuits, practicing our fine motor skills with the pom poms and dancing games both indoors and outdoors. 

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Anyone wanting to make a donation can do so at bbcchildreninnedd.co.uk as we can not accept donations this year. Hope everyone has a great weekend

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