Welcome back to Term 3 at Catrine ECC


Before we head into term 3, I hope that you all enjoyed a very festive break at Christmas time and I know I speak on behalf of all of the staff here at Catrine ECC in wishing each of you a very healthy, happy and bright 2021.

You may remember in our December newsletter we informed you of our newest member of TEAM CATRINE who would be joining us in January – well here she is …….

We are delighted to welcome Julie Taylor to our centre. We hope you enjoy working here Julie 🙂

In light of the First Minister’s announcement this week, although we are happy to be back at work, we are saddened by the fact that we are unable to welcome back all of our children. We are especially regretful to our 5 new children who were due to start with us upon our return to the centre today. We hope that we can finally meet you all soon and get back to having lots of fun.

For those of our families who were lucky enough to have been with us during our first lockdown back in March, you will know what is coming 🙂 Families however that just joined us in August I will explain a little more …..

Each day by 10am one of our super duper Early Learning and Childcare Practitioners (ELCP’s) will post a totally tremendous learning experience onto GLOW for you and your child to work on at some point in your day that suits you. Each activity, without your child even realising due to its play based nature, will cover various curricular areas helping to support cognitive development, social skills, mental wellbeing and so much more. At the end of each post the ELCP will leave their email address for you to send in any photos, videos, pieces of work or simply to ask any questions or comment on the activity if you wish to. Photos and videos sent in will be used at the end to create a lockdown memory video. If you DO NOT WISH your child’s photographs or videos to be included in the video for our social media sites then please inform staff of this when you send in the emails. Thank you.


At this point I feel it important to say that with the majority of our staff team also working parents or living with other caring roles within our personal lives – we get it. We understand. And we want you each to remember that these posts are here to provide ideas, give a wee challenge to pass the day, to ensure daily communication with us is easy and accessible but most of all in an effort to support our children and families at a time where some can feel isolated and down. They are not created to add extra stress to what may well already be a challenging day, week, month or even year. With parents potentially juggling work, childcare, home schooling of older siblings, caring responsibilities for elderly or vulnerable family members we ask you to remember at all times to “do what you can, when you can”.

Please also remember that both myself and/or your childs keyworker are still here to support you and your family during this pandemic, so if you ever wish to talk to us please feel free to phone the ECC on 01290 551233 or send us an email on the addresses I will note below.

Alana – Depute Manager – alana.speirs@eastayrshire.org.uk

Lesleyanne – Senior ELCP – lesleyanne.adams@eastayrshire.org.uk

Sherrie -Bumblebees –  sherrie.devlin@eastayrshire.org.uk

Carrie – Caterpillars –  carrie.hamilton@eastayrshire.org.uk

Rena –  Butterflies – rena.dornan@eastayrshire.org.uk

Leoni – Starfish –  leoni.gilmour@eastayrshire.org.uk

Jan – Dolphins –  jan.wardrop@eastayrshire.org.uk

Michelle – Sharks –  michelle.terry@eastayrshire.org.uk

Julie – Jellyfish – julie.nohar@eastayrshire.org.uk

We planned to wait until Monday to begin our daily posts but Lesleyanne is so excited to get started that she has asked to start hers tomorrow, so look out for our very first challenge which might be a good one for over the weekend. We cannot wait to see and hear all about it!!!!!

Thank you as always for your continued support and understanding at this time

Alana Speirs

Depute Manager



Brightening up our NHS

When our NHS staff aren’t allowed Christmas tree’s in their wards due to COVID-19 restrictions …… we brighten up their walls for them instead.

Thank you for allowing us to cheer up your corridors. And thank you to the children of Catrine ECC for allowing us to pass their artwork on 🙂


More of the children’s work can be found around the village in shop windows – if you are out and about why not see who’s work you can spot?

Catrine ECC Christmas Nativities

We are delighted to present to you a short surprise we have been preparing for quite some time now.

Unfortunately due to current circumstances we have been unable to invite parent/carers in this year to participate in our usual Christmas festivities. Children and staff have therefore worked super duper hard in an effort to show off what they have been learning, only this time in front of the big screen 🙂

So sit back, relax and enjoy.


A special THANK YOU to Carrie for organising costumes, scripts, rhymes and working alongside Alana to risk assess our outdoor scenes.

And another big THANK YOU to Sherrie for editing all video clips and photos together to make two fabulous online performances.



An exciting week ahead

We are absolutely delighted to announce that last month we were lucky enough to win a VIRTUAL PANTOMINE for the children here at Catrine ECC.

On Monday 14th December at 10am both bubbles of children and staff will enjoy the fabulous interactive Christmas show performed by THE McDOUGALLS.

Children can come with Christmas jumpers on if they wish to.

As well as our Panto we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge big THANK YOU to Dino’s Fish, Chip and Ice Cream shop in Catrine. They have very kindly phoned the ECC and asked to donate an ice cream tub for every child and staff member. We thought the Panto would be a fab time to enjoy the delicious treat and so therefore Dino will be delivering it to us in time for our “interval” 🙂

Our Sweetie Balloon winner was drawn on Friday and can be found on the previous glow post. All other raffles will be drawn by the children on Monday.

Also don’t forget our party day is on Thursday morning from 9 – 11am.

ECC and school staff finish at 2.30pm on Friday therefore doors will be open from 2pm to allow for prompt pick ups and time for anyone needing to be at surrounding schools for older siblings.




Learning Journals coming home

We are aware that due to current circumstances, parents and carers have been unable to look through their child’s individual Learning Journals to see their fabulous comments, marks and much more.

All children will therefore come home today with their very special Learning Journal to show you over the weekend. They will be in a protective bag and should be returned to the ECC in the same bag on Monday 14th December. When the children’s Journals come back on Monday they will be quarantined until January 2021, to keep everyone safe before being passed onto their new keyworker.

Included in the Journal is a parental feedback page. We would appreciate your voice within your child’s Journal by way of a little comment to let us know how you feel your child is progressing.

Thank you for your continued support.

Alana Speirs


Catrine ECC – Bubble and Group Changes from January 2021

When we return to our ECC in January 2021 we will continue to operate a ‘bubble’ system in line with current COVID regulations.  To accommodate new children starting and staff changes, we need to change both our bubble groupings and our staffing structure.

Your child will come home with a letter today (Wednesday 9th December) highlighting which bubble they will be in from January 2021, who their Keyworker will be and any changes to their drop-off and pick-up times.

We hope that the letter answers any questions that you may have about this necessary change, and, as always, please phone the ECC on 01290 551233 or email Alana.speirs@eastayrshire.org.uk for further information.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support as we all work together to ensure the highest quality of learning and teaching experiences for your child at Catrine ECC.


Blue Group Fun

Blue Group 9/12/20

Molly had great fun making snow angels.

Logan found a big chunk of ice, he said “jack frost made it”.

Ellie chose the correct date in the advent calendar and found a chocolate lolly.

Miley was making a Christmas decoration for her door, it says “santa stop here”.

Emily was showing Louie how to colour Rudolph’s nose in.

Carter was looking for Santa.

Louie was going to the north pole on the train to find Santa.

Santa Quinn was a bit early with the presents.


9th December- Orange Blog

Good afternoon everyone, here is our fortnightly update of what the children in the orange group have been getting up to. The children are super excited for Christmas so we have been doing lots of fun Christmas activities.


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I hope you have enjoyed our slideshow of the fantastic things we have been doing over the past fortnight. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year.


Take care,

Leoni x


Health and Wellbeing – Recognising Feelings

We have been exploring feelings with our healthy superheroes here at the ECC.  We have been discussing what feelings may look like (expressions) using our feelings balls.   I have been encouraging the children to think about their friends and how they might feel and how we can make friends feel better if they are upset

Here is a link to cbeebies ‘How are you feeling today?’ song – it addresses lots of feelings and we enjoy listening to it in the background during our play.



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