Monday 1st June Health Week – Body parts

Good Morning

Can you name parts of the body? Get some paper or chalk outside and draw around someone in your family, and have fun naming and drawing all the body parts you know.

You could also go on an adventure and collect sticks, leaves, acorns, pine cones etc and be creative and make your own stick family.

Can you send me your pictures to

Do you know a song about parts of the body? Can you join in too?

Superhero Competition Results!

Thank you to everyone who sent in their super entries to find our next Health and Well-being character who is going to help us explore ACTIVE and what this means and how to achieve it 💪

In 3rd place we have the twins Active Ant and Angelica by Ashton, well done 👏🥉

In 2nd place we have the fabulous Active Abbie by Rebecca 👏🥈

And in 1st place, our winner is the SUPER ACTIVE Apple Man by Logan 🏆🥇

Thank you so much for your hard work and superb ideas 🤩

Make sure to look out for ACTIVE Apple Man this upcoming Health Week, lots of fun activities in store 😀

Important Announcement for Catrine ECC

We need as much participation as possible next week. Lots of photos, videos, pictures, comments, memories and fun for all ages.

Catrine ECC’s Health Week Planner. Posts will be available in the morning each day and can be found on our GLOW page.

We will post our Sports Day Schedule later in the week to allow you to get prepared for the occasion.

Most resources can be found within your home or adapted with other resources similar, however you will need ……..

  • to measure some distances so a tape measure would be helpful, and
  • an app on your phone to track steps/distance – there are plenty of free ones.

Enjoy your week, from everyone at Catrine ECC xxx


A catch up from some of our very own fab mini heroes at Catrine ECC

Last week Eilidh was learning all about the parts of flowers and plants 🙂

Busy times in the Muir household

Another busy week for Logan’s house

Fun in the sun for Emily, and a huge big well done for learning to ride your bike! 🙂

Ashton’s bean update and his daily fitness class with his big sister 🙂


Water fun!

How about today since it is so lovely outdoors and you may have your pools out, we gave our toys a clean.  We could use our dolls, cars or trucks.  Pop them in a basin with some soapy water and a sponge, and leave them to dry in the sunshine afterwards.  Good way to cool down and good practice for doing the washing up 😁

Have fun everyone and enjoy your day.

Health and Well-being Superhero Entries

Thank you for the entries so far for our new Active Superhero challenge.  I thought it might be more fun to let everyone see the entries and vote from home on who they would like our new character to be.  So far we have had 2 fabulous creations from Rebecca and Ashton.  Well Done to both of you,these are fabulous!

Active Abbie

Twins- Active Angelica and Active Ant

I am going to number the entries;  Active Abbie number 1

Active Angelica and Active Ant number 2

You can vote by writing which number you would like to see as our new superhero by leaving a comment below and your vote, PLEASE keep your entries coming, I love seeing your creations!



Thursday 28th May – DAILY POST

Good morning everyone – I hope you are enjoying this lovely weather.

So, yesterday, I received the most beautiful bunch of flowers ever, and it got me thinking ……

… are so beautiful and can be used for so many lovely things. Remember making perfume out of petals, and potions in the garden with grass and dandelions? 🙂 Well … as well as those ideas, here are a few more you could try.

Using some double sided tape and a piece of cardboard/paper/cereal box create your child’s name. Go for a walk with your board and along the way collect flowers and grass, sticks and small leaves to stick on.  A fun way to learn some letters.

Another activity my two children love is adding loose parts to their play dough – Dandelion dough is fab and again so much fun to use little bits of nature around us to brighten it up.

But my ultimate favourite is this one below, and so much fun on hot days like today…..

Go for a walk and collect some flowers – the more colours the better and with a little help from an adult place them inside empty egg shells.

Fill them with water and carefully place them in the freezer for a few hours to solidify.

Once you peel the shell off the results are amazing 🙂

And super fun and educational to watch and handle as they melt.

Have a great day everybody 🙂

Headteacher’s Challenge #20

Good morning to another glorious Thursday morning 🙂

The ECC staff are all loving their phone calls to the children that they’ve made so far – they’re so pleased to hear about your lockdown adventures and stories.  If your keyworker hasn’t phoned you yet – don’t worry!  They’ll be phoning over the next few days and possibly into next week as they’re blethering so much that the phone calls are taking much longer than anticipated!

Back in April I gave you a Food Tasting Challenge, and I received so many brilliant success stories about foods that you now like that I’m challenging you again – but with a twist.

Today’s Challenge is a Fruit/Vegetable Food Challenge. 

My oldest son has discovered that he now likes strawberries … after years of being offered strawberries and turning his nose up at them, they are now his most favourite food in the world!

There are so many delicious fruits and vegetables in the shops right now that I challenge you to try 3 new food items that you’ve always thought you never liked, or just haven’t tasted before.  Remember to let me know if you find a new favourite fruit or vegetable. I’m going to try pineapple, grapefruit and courgettes – I’ll let you know how I get on …

Tuesday’s Tower Challenge was a big hit – I’ve received so many brilliant photos of the most creative towers.  Well done to everyone who completed the challenge, including Oscar who had suitcases, pots and pans in his tower!

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x

10AM Daily Task – 27th May 2020

Good Morning Everyone,

So far this year we have had Safe Suzie, Healthy Hannah and Achieving Andy as our superhero characters supporting us on our quest through all aspects of Health and Well-being using the SHANARRI indicators .  The children have designed these characters and named them all on their own.  Today’s task is to design a character to support us while exploring Active and what this means to us.  The pictures below are just examples, I would love to see the children draw their own superhero and name them using the letter A.  It would be great to see what the children come up with and their creations can be emailed to myself at and we will vote for who we think should be our Active Superhero!  Have fun, I can’t wait to see your creations



Daily Task 26th May (Making memories 2020)

 2020    Making memories together.

We hope you have fun with these ideas, spend time together and simply chat. Please be mindful of social distancing and be aware of others around you at this time.

We would love to see or hear how your child got on with the challenge  through uploading picture / photos to our email.

Remember if you have older / younger siblings within your family then they can be involved too.

We look forward to seeing all of your pictures

What could you make to remember these very special times, when the the world needed everyone to stay apart.

Who stayed in your house, can you make a keepsake of this.

2020 Lockdown

You can use Salt dough and make a plate, get a grown up to help you measure out the ingredients, take turns creating your salt dough.

As I am aware it is not always easy to get flour, you could create a picture instead, by using painted / cut out handprints , you may also wish to include you pet paw print too. Here is a few ideas:-


Remember to send us your pictures of your finished art work too:-

Can’t wait to see who you all spent time with in your houses 2020

Headteacher’s Challenge #19

Good morning Tuesday 🙂

I hope you all enjoyed a lovely relaxing long weekend with your family.  I went a HUGE walk with my husband, sons and dogs and my legs are still aching …

Thanks to everyone who took part in the Animal Quiz – I’d love to hear who the winner was in your family. 

I was tidying out my youngest son’s bedroom (AGAIN!) at the weekend and I asked him to tidy up his book shelf.  He proceeded to build a huge tower of books on the floor, and then added other items to the books to see if he could make the tower taller than himself – he did manage and then he had an even bigger mess to tidy up once he knocked the tower of books, Top Trumps cards and PS4 games over!

So today’s challenge is a Construction one – try to build a tower that is taller than yourself BUT you can’t use all the same objects!  For instance, you can’t just build a tower from Lego/Jenga blocks/storage boxes … that would be too easy.  You can only use three of the same items so you’ll need to get VERY creative and think about a wide range of items that you could use to build your tower that will safely stack on top of each other.  The taller you are – the harder the challenge!  I look forward to seeing the photographic evidence that you completed the challenge…

Keep telling us about your achievements during this time away from the ECC – Achieving Andy loves to hear what you’ve been up to!

As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x

HT Challenge #18 – Quiz Answers

Well done to everyone who participated in the Animal Quiz.  Check your answers against the list below and let me know who was the winner in your house.  No cheating!

  1. What’s the fastest land animal? A CHEETAH
  2. How many lives is a cat said to have? NINE
  3. What do you call a baby kangaroo? A JOEY
  4. What do you call a group of sheep? A HERD/FLOCK (both are acceptable)
  5. How many legs does a spider have? EIGHT
  6. What’s the tallest animal in the world? A GIRAFFE
  7. What kind of animal is Shere Khan in ‘The Jungle Book’? A TIGER
  8. How many horns did a triceratops have? THREE
  9. Nala and Simba are what kind of animal? LIONS
  10. What type of dog is Marshall from ‘Paw Patrol’? A DALMATION

Wishing you all a lovely long weekend with your family 🙂

Mrs Govans x  

Thursday 21st May – Daily Post

Are you all listening?

Now boys and girls, have you got your listening ears switched on?

I need you to listen carefully to these sounds and shout out what you think they are – some are a bit tricky.

Listening Game –

Listen to these sounds – can you guess what they are? How many did you get correct?

Next time you are out for a walk or in your garden can you listen out for some more sounds – what type of things can you hear?

Headteacher’s Challenge #18

Good morning Thursday 🙂 (although I’m cheating a wee bit by posting this on Wednesday night as I’m working in the hub today).

I’ve loved reading through the certificates for all of your achievements at home – keep your successes and photos coming in as we loving seeing what you’ve been up to at home.

Today’s challenge is … an Animal Quiz.  There’s 10 questions so you can either answer the questions individually, with one person being the quizmaster or split your family into teams.  I’ll post the answers on Friday afternoon so that you can see who the winners are.  Good luck!

Animal questions

1. What’s the fastest land animal?

2. How many lives is a cat said to have?

3. What do you call a baby kangaroo?

4. What do you call a group of sheep?

5. How many legs does a spider have?

6. What’s the tallest animal in the world?

7. What kind of animal is Shere Khan in ‘The Jungle Book’?

8. How many horns did a triceratops have?

9. Nala and Simba are what kind of animal?

10. What type of dog is Marshall from ‘Paw Patrol’?

As always, stay safe, take care and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x


Jan’s Green Group Achievement

 Jan’s Green Group

Achieving Andy wants to know what you have achieved :-

parents and children – we love to hear how everyone is getting on, lets celebrate together……………….

Cole has been working really hard on his writing skills during lockdown. We are all very proud of your achievements, keep up the fantastic work, Cole.

Ashton from Rena’s Blue group sent me a selection of pictures as he has been looking after the birds in his garden. Well done, Ashton.

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