Whooo hooooo !!!!!

Team CATRINE ECC are super excited for today !!!

As we said earlier in the week, our aim, in an effort to feel part of a group again is to each start at 11am (ish) however if this time doesnt suit everyone it’s fine to do it whenever does ❤

Our first race of the day starting at 11am will be the 50m Hurdles. Thereafter, simply work through the activities remembering to time and record each.

Once you have completed your virtual sports day AND TAKEN PLENTY OF PICTURES send all of your times into Marion our glamorous 2020 Sports Day  Umpire 🙋‍♀️

So team CATRINE ECC……On your marks….get set….. GOOOOOOOOOOO


Catrine ECC Challenge

Active Apple Man was just wanting to check in and make sure everyone was keeping track of their miles for our full Catrine ECC Challenge. The staff have been doing a great job and I have attached some of their daily walks and cycles below.

Remember to send in your progress and miles to tomorrow Friday 5th June x



Thursday 4th June – Health Week: Mindfulness

Good Morning Everyone. I hope you have had a busy, fun-filled week with all of the Health Week activities.

Active Apple Man says as well as looking after our physical health we also need to remember to slow down, take time to relax and look after our mental health as well.

Active Apple Man tries some of the activities and you may want to have a go to:

Describing emotions

Sit together and ask them to describe different emotions. How does it feel when they are angry, happy or worried? You could prompt them by suggesting that they visualise their emotions as colours.

Looking at clouds

Lie down outside together in a safe place and look up at the clouds (be careful of the sun in your eyes). Ask them to look out for shapes and notice how the clouds change as they move along. What shapes, images can they see?

Bubble balloon game

Blow up some balloons and play the don’t-touch-the-floor game, but only using gentle movements. Pretend that the balloons are bubbles that might pop, so you can only tap them delicately and pass them between each other. You can make it a family game by adding more people in.

Mindful breathing

Practising mindful breathing can help with times that they may feel anxious or angry. For example counting off on one hand as you breathe in and the other hand as you breathe out or putting your hand on your tummy to feel it moving in and out.

You might want to try this to practice breathing and taking time to gather your thoughts: Zen Den Mindfulness for Kids


Yoga is a great way for both physical activity and mindfulness activity. There are lots of fun moves to practise, for example animal poses and linked to some favourite stories.

Why not try this one: Cosmic Kids Betsy the Banana


Send me your pictures of practising mindfulness or Yoga – I’d love to see how you got on

Thursday 4th June – Family Health and Well-being

This has been a challenging time for everyone and the effects on every family will be different.  The important thing to remember is that you are not in this alone and there is lots of help, advice and support out there for families, if needed.  I have attached some posters with helplines below.

With so much going on in the world, the changes and challenges we have faced as parents/carers, it’s good to take some time, when we can, to focus on ourselves and our own mindset.  I have attached some self care tips for anxiety. 

Exercise is a great way to keep yourself fit and healthy, not just physically but mentally too as a family.  I have attached some yoga positions parents/carers and children can try out together. 

Why not try Cosmic Yoga on Youtube? There are lots of videos available – I will show you one of my favourites.

Have a super day and lots of fun trying out some yoga. Remember You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.  Take care of yourselves

Headteacher’s Challenge #22

Good morning and welcome to Health Week Thursday 🙂

What brilliant activities our ECC staff have planned for you throughout this week and the plan for Friday’s Sports Day is awesome!

I loved the Dance blog today – my two boys even joined in with a few dances although they’ll deny it if you ask them!

Today’s challenge is a singing one – we sing this song regularly at school assembly and I know you’ll pick it up quickly and love the whistling at the end.

As always, stay safe, take care and keep in touch.  Mrs Govans x


As promised here is a sneak preview of our Sports day Schedule for Friday 5th June. We, as individual families, plan to start off our races at home around 11am in an effort to try and make it feel like we are joining forces and racing together 🙂 Feel free to do the same along with us,  however if this time does not suit you, or you are working and actually would prefer to hold your Special Sports Day 2020 on a different day, then that’s fab too.

Remember your “race track”, however you choose to measure it, needs to be 50 metres long. This may well need to be from the top of your garden to the bottom 5 or 6 times or at a grassy area near to your house but please remember to adhere to social distancing rules at all times.

Look out any resources you might need ready and remember to simply adapt things to work that you can find around the house 🙂

We would LOVE to see your videos from this memorable day to share with other ECCs and to revisit upon our return after the summer with the children. will be waiting eagerly on Friday for your times and distances to be sent into her by 2pm on Friday at the latest so that she can tally everything up . Results will be posted ASAP.



Wednesday 3rd June – HEALTH WEEK – Dancing Shoes

It’s Wednesday and we are half way through the week already ! I hope everyone is still keeping a count of their steps/distance travelled to give to Active Apple Man and Leoni at the end of the week.

I thought today we would do something a little different and be active through the form of dance – my personal favourite Saturday night activity to stay fit and healthy 🙂

So simply set up your laptop or mobile on a surface your child can see it with plenty of space around them. (Another good trick we have discovered during lockdown is how easy it is to mirror things from your phone onto a SMART TV if you would like it on a bigger screen – no APPs required – google helped us within seconds.)

Work your way through these fun videos – don’t forget to take pictures or videos and send them to me at – we would love to see your moves.

This next one is a definite favourite in our house …….

A new one we tried yesterday ……

Cole (age 9 LOL) was having none of it by this point when we were practicing ………. 🙂 haha

This song is NEVER OFF in our house, may as well learn a dance to go with it, eh ……. ?

This one will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day )

And I’m afraid we can’t possibly do a dance blog without finishing with this one …….

Now that you have learned some new moves, do you think you could make up your own dance?

Happy Health Week everyone xxx


Wednesday 3rd June – Health Week

Exercise affects lots of different organs in our body. When we exercise we have to breathe faster to ensure our body has enough oxygen to move during exercise.

Here is a video about the respiratory system – it shows how our body takes more oxygen in to help us during exercise.

You could try and make your own respiratory system.

What you will need: Paper, 2 straws, 2 food bags, scissors, sellotape and glue.
Instructions: Draw a nose, a mouth and 2 lungs then cut them out.

Sellotape your 2 straws together (making sure the 2 bendy parts of the straws are at the bottom).
Put one bendy part of one straw into one food bag and wrap sellotape around it to ensure no air can escape. Do the same with the other bendy part of the straw with the other food bag.
Sellotape your nose near the top of your straws (leave enough room for your mouth to blow into the straws), your mouth underneath and then attach your lungs to the back of the straws where the food bags are.
Breathe in and out using the straws and watch the food bags inflate and deflate just like your lungs do when you breathe in and out.

The heart is another organ that has to work harder to help the body exercise. Before you start exercising hold your hand on the left side of your chest and try and feel your heart beat.

Now try this Zumba workout and at the end feel your heart beat again.

Active Apple Man wasn’t too happy that the song was about bananas and not apples ! However he said it was ok because the song helped everyone be active and bananas are a healthy fruit as well. Hope you enjoyed it and had fun.

Does your heart beat feel different ?

Is your heart beating faster or slower?


Wednesday 3rd June – RSHP Pantosaurus

Good morning,

Today Active Apple Man has something very important for us to do.  The theme today will be all things PANTS as we talk about the PANTS rules.  To get us started I have a little story for us to listen to – hope you enjoy.

I hope you enjoyed the story, it’s one of my favourites! Now we are going to meet Pantosaurus – some of the children are already aware of Pantosaurus and the PANTS rules, and the thing that they love the most is the PANTS song. Parents beware it’s very catchy!

Parents you are now ready to discuss the PANTS rules with your child.

P- privates are private

A- always remember your body belongs to you

N- no means no

T- Talk about secrets that upset you

S- Speak up, someone can help

Within the ECC we talk about who we can trust, who could we talk to about our worries?

A little fun now, draw and decorate your own pair of pants any way you would like.  Have fun and any amazing designs can be sent to to me at;


more information is available at

Have a great day everyone

Health Week Challenge (Balance)

Tuesday 2nd June2020

   Health Week Challenge  (Balance)

As part of our drive to promote and develop our children’s communication skills we have decided to set a few HEALTH challenge activities that you and your child can do together.

We hope you have fun with these ideas, spend time together and simply chat. Please be mindful of social distancing and be aware of others around you at this time.

We would love to see or hear how your child got on with the challenge through uploading picture / photos to my email.

Remember if you have older / younger siblings within your family then they can be involved too.

We look forward to seeing all of your pictures


 What is Balance?

  • Balancing is very important, as it’s how we stay upright!
  • Can you hold your balance?

Test out your balancing skills using this story:- Get a grownup

to read it to you………………………

             Giraffe : stand on your tippy toes

             Flamingo : stand on one leg

             Monkey : sit with your bottom toughing the floor

  • The story:-

There once was a Rainbow unit that visited the zoo. They were excited to see all the animals. One girl’s favourite animal was the giraffe because he had a really long neck. (get the children to stand on their tiptoes, for 5 / 10 seconds.) One girl loved the pink flamingos’. They looked funny standing on one leg. (Can you all stand on one leg too.) Some of the other girls and boys loved the monkeys. They were a little cheeky! (Can you all sit with your bums only on the ground / floor.) They wondered if the Giraffe, Flamingo and the Monkeys would like to join their Rainbow unit. So they wrote a really long letter to the giraffe, a letter to the flamingos on pink paper and wrote a funny joke for the monkey, in the hope that they’d like to join the Rainbow group too.

You could even make your own beanbag to use, I used a shopping bag, you could make one out of a sock and fill it up with some rice, make sure the end is securely tied. I wonder what kind of beanbags you will have?????? superman, my little pony, peppa pig, fox socks, remember to send a photo in please.

Here’s a game you can also play:-

Click on the link below for the last part of the Balance activity.


Hope you all have had some fun with this today, please send us in any pictures or art work that you have created after taking part in the challenge.          


Tuesday 2nd June- Health week- How many in 1 minute?

Good morning all! Today, I have a super ‘how many in a minute?’ challenge for yous all where yous will find out how many of each exercise yous can all do in one minute!

Firstly, lets remember that stretching is super important to avoid injury so lets start off with a few stretches that Active Apple Man does before any workout;

  • First lets stretch up tall and touch our toes 10 times.
  • Then lets sit on our bottoms, stretch our legs out wide and stretch forward 10 times.
  • Then up we get and stand like a star and stretch over to one side for a count of 5 and then stretch over to our other side for a count of 5.
  • Finally, lets jog on the spot for a count of 10 and then lets get going

Tuesday 2nd June – HEALTH WEEK – Tooth brushing and hand washing

Active Apple Man wanted to talk to us about 2 very important things today……


As well as being super active this week, it’s also a week to learn about and revisit what we need to do to keep ourselves healthy.  While we are in the ECC, a team called Childsmile usually come in and show us how to look after our teeth. They show us how to brush properly and why it’s important to do so. The link below is great for supporting tooth brushing from birth all the way through to age 12.

Although we are not in the ECC just now it’s still super important to keep brushing your teeth. In my house the challenge is always to make sure Cole and Halle brush for as long as they are supposed to! We use songs to help with this. Here is our favourite one at the minute ……


Hand washing is more important than ever just now. Rena has found a poster and another fab song you can sing at home to help you wash away your germs the best you can.

Wash Your Hands Posters


And this one I thought was just rather catchy 🙂

So remember everybody, to stay healthy we need to keep our bodies healthy too, so plenty of hand washing and remember to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day.



Headteacher’s Challenge #21

Good morning and Happy Health Week 🙂

Another glorious weekend in the sunshine – and what a great way to start our Health Week.  Staff in both the PS and ECC have great activities planned for you all every day and we look forward to hearing about your health adventures throughout the week.

Today’s challenge is another food one …

Try to think of a fruit or vegetable for every letter of your name. I’ve managed most of my name but I’m stuck on letter V!  Answers would be appreciated!

M – mushrooms

R – radishes

S – strawberries

G – grapes

O – oranges

V – ????

A – apples

N – nectarines

S – spring onion

You can’t use the same fruit or vegetable twice, and if you’ve got a short name try to do your surname too.  During last week’s food tasting challenge we discovered that Eli likes beetroot, and that I like grapefruit but not pineapple 🙁

Wishing you all a brilliant Health Week and looking forward to our Sports Day on Friday 5th June.  As always, stay safe, take care and keep in touch. 

Mrs Govans x

Monday 1st June – HEALTH WEEK – healthy/unhealthy foods

Happy Monday Everyone!!

Today we are collecting real food or play food, hiding them around the house/garden for the children to find then decide whether they think the food is healthy or unhealthy.

It might be fun to design your own healthy and unhealthy signs together.

Can’t wait to see all your photos

Enjoy your day 🙂


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