Please click on the link for update/information.
Catrine Early Childhood Centre
An East Ayrshire Council site
Please click on the link for update/information.
The children in Group A this week have been so busy making wonderful creations using a variety of materials, their display is looking fantastic!
The children in group B have been painting super pictures of our worry monster and the tiger from the story ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’. Their display is looking great too!
Well done everyone, hope you have an awesome weekend ♥
Ayrshire Speech and Language are now providing online drop in sessions for anyone with any concerns regarding their child’s speech development alongside their helpline service available Monday 9:30am-11:30am and Thursday 2-4pm on 07980919654. To arrange a virtual drop in session, text 07812519298.
Over the past few weeks staff at Catrine ECC have been working extremely hard to get all necessary procedures in place to ensure our centre and practitioners are ready to welcome both Group A and Group B back full time starting next week.
Please read the attached letter for more information and start times.
We hope that this helps you as a family to begin to return to places of work, training and further education when they reopen. We also anticipate that the continuity of attending everyday will help settle the children through continuing to build on relationships as well as becoming more familiar with daily ECC routines.
Next week will be another change in routine for both staff and children, therefore we ask for your continued support during these times while we evaluate each day in an effort to continuously make improvements until we feel we have it “just right”
After a fantastic soft start approach last week we cannot wait to welcome everyone back for 2.5days this week.
Please see below for a reminder of group days and times.
GROUP A – Pink, Purple, Yellow
All day Monday 8.40am – 2.40pm
All day Tuesday
Wednesday AM 8.40am – 11.30am
GROUP B – Green, Blue, Orange
Wednesday PM – 11.50am – 2.40pm
All day Thursday 8.40am – 2.40pm
All day Friday
Please note that our MAIN DOOR will open at 12.15pm for anyone who wishes to collect their child after lunch. Staff may also advise shorter sessions for some children in order to help settle and support individuals, building up more gradually to a 6hour day.
If you plan on picking your up child at 12.15pm please ensure you let the ECC know in advance.
We are sooooooo excited !!!!!!
The staff at Catrine ECC worked super hard all day yesterday to get the rooms ready for your soft start week. We CANNOT wait to meet all of our new starts and welcome back our returners 🙂
Reminders for this week …….
Again, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your co-operation at this time.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
From everyone at Catrine ECC – we would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our children who are starting school this morning the very best of luck! Have the best fun ever xoxox
Please find attached a letter outlining the arrangements for the return/start of children to Catrine ECC, starting from Wednesday 12th August 2020.
It highlights our ‘soft start’ approach for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week, aiming for our ECC children joining us for 2 1/2 days per week from Monday 17th August.
I am aware that there is a lot of information to take in, as this start of a new term is different for us all, so please get in touch with either Alana or myself with any issues or concerns. We can’t wait to welcome our children into Catrine ECC – the whole staff is looking forward to hearing about their adventures! Thanks, Mrs Govans
Information has been published on the Catrine PS Glow page today outlining the arrangements for our return to school, starting from Wednesday 12th August 2020.
Please note that this information is for our Primary School pupils only, at this time. We are awaiting further government and EAC guidance before we can share our plans for our ECC.
Alana and I will let you know the details for our children returning to Catrine ECC as soon as possible, and we thank you for your patience and understanding during these unsettled times.
Thanks, Mrs Govans
With the PS and ECC closing today at 1.00pm for the start of the summer holidays, I would like to take this opportunity to say a few thank yous …
Thanks to the staff in both establishments – ELCP practitioners, office staff, Classroom Assistants and teachers – for their flexibility, enthusiasm and commitment in working together to get organised for our August return. Our playrooms and classrooms are set up, resources are organised and timetables are done – no doubt there will be changes to be made over the summer and we will continue to update you via our ECC and PS blog and APP.
Special thanks to …
At the end of any school year there are always goodbyes to be said too.
At the ECC we wish Marion well as she starts her new job, and at the PS we say goodbye to Miss Robb, Miss Robertson and Mr Speirs as they move onto the next stage of their education careers. I would like to thank them all for their professionalism and dedication to the children of Catrine – they have all been such important members of our staff teams.
Good luck to our Primary 7 pupils as they move onto secondary school – we had a brilliant visit with them and their parents yesterday in our playground and it was great to see them. We have a ‘proper’ P7 Leavers Day still to come – details to follow …
Good luck to our ECC leavers – we look forward to welcoming our new P1 pupils into Catrine PS and I’m sure our pupils heading to other schools will settle in quickly too.
So I’ll sign off as usual, take care, stay safe and keep in touch.
Mrs Govans x
Volume Water Fun
Let’s have some fun today with water. Can you gather some different sized pots/bowls & cups?
Try filling your cup with water and pouring it into your pot or bowl – how many cups of water does it take?
Get a bigger or smaller cup and do the same – does the pot take the same amount of cups to fill it? Keep trying different sized pots or bowls and different sized cups – I’m sure you’ll be surprised by the different amounts it takes to fill each one.
Hope you have fun x
Happy, glorious, sunny Thursday morning to you all.
I can’t believe this is the second last day of Term 4 – I’ve thoroughly enjoyed posting my silly tasks for you to try during this time and I’ve loved seeing your posts and photos – they’ve made me smile every Tuesday and Thursday so thank you !
Lots of activity in the ECC this week – staff cleaning resources and setting up playrooms for brilliant learning environments for our August return. I hope you’ve all had a chance to see the wonderful ‘ECC Virtual Tour’ video produced by the staff – I know they had a great laugh doing their filming!
It was great to meet up with our new P1 parents for an information session at the PS on Tuesday – they had lots of questions and Miss Burleigh and Michelle can’t wait for our 12 new Primary 1 pupils to join us in August – they have so many brilliant activities in store for them.
I know lots of you are waiting for information from the ECC about sessions, days and times for August – please know that we will be in touch as soon as we have a confirmed way forward for our children. Over the summer, please email Alana or myself with any concerns or questions – we can always access our email and will always get back to you.
Today’s challenge is a singing one and a wee bit different from the PS singing challenge as their song is REALLY fast! I hope you enjoy hopping, skipping and twirling with this one …
As always, stay safe, take care and keep in touch. Mrs Govans x
For my last post before the summer I have a fun game that you can try and build to keep you entertained over the summer holidays.
Build a marble run!
You will need : a carboard box lid or a paper plate, paper, straws, scissors, glue and a marble/small ball.
Step 1 – Cut a few strips of paper (depending on the size of your lid/plate). These will be your tunnels or barriers.
Step 2 – Glue the paper to the cardboard lid/paper plate ensure you leave enough room for your marble to roll through. You could also add some straws to make a track.
Step 3 – Place your marble on the lid/plate and try and move it around your course.
If you make tunnels with the paper on you marble run (like the plate picture above) then you could make the game more challenging. You could add a numbers, letters or even a sum to the top of each tunnel and when your marble goes through the tunnel you need to identify what number/letter or what the answer is to the sum it went under is.
Have fun!
Enjoy the summer holidays see you all soon!
Hi everybody, please click on the link below to view our CATRINE ECC VIRTUAL TOUR of the ECC. Clips of the rooms were filmed at the start of last week and actually, we feel we have enhanced them even further each day since. More resources have been added, more areas have been established and more visual signage has been designed by the staff to help aid our children in their settling in process upon our return.
We cannot wait to see all of our returning children and families, and of course we are very excited to meet and get to know our new families.
Unfortunately, at this stage we are still unable to confirm patterns of attendance in August due to the regular changes and updates in guidance at this particular time.
Please continue to follow our Twitter page, school APP and any new information here on GLOW for updates as soon as we get them.
Thank you for both your understanding at this time and your continued support throughout this challenging time.
Alana Speirs
Depute Manager
Good morning on the last Tuesday of Term 4.
I can hardly believe that it’s the last week of the summer term, and that the school and ECC finishes for the summer holidays on Friday. This has definitely been the strangest term in my 25 years of teaching!!
I am so proud of the staff of both Catrine ECC and PS, who have been working in both establishments over the last few weeks. They have organised our teaching and learning spaces into safe, fun and inviting spaces for our pupils to start back to in August – it hasn’t been easy as there’s so much guidance to follow but their creativity, enthusiasm and teamwork has ensured that we feel really prepared for the start of next session. Look out for a couple of videos over the next few days as they share our August preparations with you.
Today’s challenge could be tricky… Remember I challenged you before to build a tower the height of yourself using all different objects – and lots of you completed the challenge brilliantly!
I’m challenging you to be creative again – your challenge is to create a line of DIFFERENT objects from one wall of your house to the other side of your house (for instance, in my house I would start at my dining room door, go through into the hall and finish at the front door – that’s quite a distance) and you must use different objects – you can’t just create a line of pencils and think you’ve solved the challenge. Each object must be different, and must be touching the object in front and behind it.
So get your thinking caps on and I look forward to seeing your great efforts – you never fail to impress! 🙂
As always, take care, stay safe and keep in touch. Mrs Govans x
Hi everyone
I am are very excited and look forward to welcoming you into Primary 1/2 after the summer holidays. I have made a little video to show you some of the wonderful things that we do here at Catrine Primary School.🌟😃
Miss Burleigh
Please click on the link below to access recent letter from Linda McAulay-Griffiths – Head of Education.
Today’s challenge is to see how many items within the household you can find with the number 4 – you can then draw a picture of the items you have found. If you wish to challenge yourself look for other numbers within the house and outdoors.
Well, I am sad to say that the way our rota for posting falls this will personally be my last home learning GLOW post before we stop for our summer holidays.
So ….. for my final challenge I would like to split it into two.
Ante pre children
Preschool children
(please note – due to hayfever issues and dodgy eyes I thought it best not to scare the children and try to make them laugh instead haha – these videos make me look better than I actually do in real life right now 🙂 LOL.
Have a great day everyone.
Hugs and virtual Hi-5’s from Alana xxx
New Primary 1 induction meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 23 June at 1.30 p.m. at Catrine Primary School. Please click on the link below for further information:
If you wish any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Catrine Primary School on 01290 551436.
Thank you.