Have a Little Listen 👂

When you are waiting and are first in line at drop off or pick up time please feel free to listen to the children’s comments recorded and displayed on our Health and Wellbeing board.  The children will be encouraged to leave their comments about what they have been learning in regards to their Health and Wellbeing.  There will be a sanitiser available, please sanitise hands before pressing, thank you 😊

Afternoon Walk with Group B

The children and the staff enjoy the opportunity to get out into the community in the afternoons.   This week Group B had fun going out a walk down the farm road, it was a lovely day.

The children discussed the marks that the tractor had made in the field.

We found some brambles, picked them and explored the texture, colour and smell.

Safer Strangers with Safe Sandra

We have been discussing strangers and safer strangers with Safe Sandra this week.  How do we know who a safer stranger is? Is it someone who wears a uniform or whose job it is to help us? What should we do if a stranger approaches us? The children have had some very good answers and are starting to show a better understanding of ‘safer strangers’.  Keep an eye on our health and wellbeing board for updates on our learning 💕

Masterpieces of Catrine

When you can’t come in to see our displays …… we bring our displays out to see you 🙂 😃 🙌

Fabulous artwork, children’s own descriptive language, beautiful comments about friends, discussions about colour, shape & size, as well as an experience to discuss emotions – all in a single painting opportunity ❤

When people say “we JUST play” – We tell them “we LEARN THROUGH PLAY”

Our Value of the Month

Following on from our September newsletter which highlighted our school and ECC Vision, Values and Aims we would like your ideas on what YOU think RESPECT looks like.

Our board is set up again today for you to add your ideas. Comments can be examples/experiences relating to respect, single words to describe respect, drawings, children/parent/carer comments etc. There are no right/wrong answers and marks can be anonymous if you wish.

Please note:- all pens have been sanitised before use.

Thank you 🙂

Celebrating Wider Achievements

Here at Catrine ECC we encourage the children to celebrate their achievements and success.  We discuss and recognise achievement and what this means.  We have started using our tree to recognise daily achievements such as, following the golden rules, being kind and respectful and eating all our lunch.  We would now love to hear what the children have been achieving at home.  Have they been getting dressed on their own? Have they been sleeping in their own beds all night? Please let us know about home achievements, we can display these within the ECC.  Please bring in any pictures, certificates or any comments from home for us to see 💕

Are you a Bucket Filler? – Health and well-being

We have been discussing how we could be a ‘bucket filler’, that makes someone feel happy and what things might make you a ‘bucket dipper’, that may make someone feel sad.   We have been looking at the story Fill a Bucket by Carol McCloud and have been sharing our ideas 😀

Below is a link to the story


Scotland Learns is a fantastic resource for both parents and practitioners.

The link below will take you to a large range of ideas, strategies and experiences that you and your child will love.


Supporting children and families during COVID-19 survey

Can you help us by answering a few short questions in the survey below?This should only take 5 minutes maximum and will help us to make improvements on our current practice.

Thank you.


Alana Speirs

Depute Manager


Suicide Prevention Week 7th – 13th September

How are you really? How many times have you heard someone say ‘I’m fine’?

One in four people in Scotland experience poor mental health every year. This means that at some point, you or someone you know will need to get help; whether that means talking to someone you trust, getting information online or going to your GP.

People may be afraid to ask for help so make sure to pay attention to the signs that someone might be suffering and let them know there is support available to help them through periods of distress or poor mental health.

Give yourself time for the conversation and don’t be afraid to ask them directly if they are having suicidal thoughts – remember Ask, Tell, Save a Life.

The Samaritans have some great resources on signs to look out for and active listening.

For more useful links to support yourself or someone you know click on the NHS link below here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/suicide/

Try some guided mindfulness techniques with organisations such as Calm or Headspace

Find out more about mindfulness techniques on our Healthy Working Lives YouTube channel

Difficulty sleeping? Sign up at Sleepio

Our Little Visitor Today 😃

We had a lovely little surprise today when Janet found this little creature wandering in the corridor.

We rescued him, put him into a box and enjoyed exploring what he may be on the promethean board.  We think he may be a common lizard 🤔. We took a walk in the afternoon and found a safe spot in a wooded area to release him.  He looked happy to be back outdoors 💕

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