Tuesday 2nd June2020
Health Week Challenge (Balance)
As part of our drive to promote and develop our children’s communication skills we have decided to set a few HEALTH challenge activities that you and your child can do together.
We hope you have fun with these ideas, spend time together and simply chat. Please be mindful of social distancing and be aware of others around you at this time.
We would love to see or hear how your child got on with the challenge through uploading picture / photos to my email.
Remember if you have older / younger siblings within your family then they can be involved too.
We look forward to seeing all of your pictures

What is Balance?
- Balancing is very important, as it’s how we stay upright!
- Can you hold your balance?
Test out your balancing skills using this story:- Get a grownup
to read it to you………………………
Giraffe : stand on your tippy toes
Flamingo : stand on one leg
Monkey : sit with your bottom toughing the floor
There once was a Rainbow unit that visited the zoo. They were excited to see all the animals. One girl’s favourite animal was the giraffe because he had a really long neck. (get the children to stand on their tiptoes, for 5 / 10 seconds.) One girl loved the pink flamingos’. They looked funny standing on one leg. (Can you all stand on one leg too.) Some of the other girls and boys loved the monkeys. They were a little cheeky! (Can you all sit with your bums only on the ground / floor.) They wondered if the Giraffe, Flamingo and the Monkeys would like to join their Rainbow unit. So they wrote a really long letter to the giraffe, a letter to the flamingos on pink paper and wrote a funny joke for the monkey, in the hope that they’d like to join the Rainbow group too.
You could even make your own beanbag to use, I used a shopping bag, you could make one out of a sock and fill it up with some rice, make sure the end is securely tied. I wonder what kind of beanbags you will have?????? superman, my little pony, peppa pig, fox socks, remember to send a photo in please.
Here’s a game you can also play:-

Click on the link below for the last part of the Balance activity.
Hope you all have had some fun with this today, please send us in any pictures or art work that you have created after taking part in the challenge.